Mr. William Davis

I also shed a few tears. I found this, and all scenes between Hawk and Margaret, to be both beautiful and heart-breaking.

Agreed with everything you said.

I hope the remaining seasons are not an extended dream sequence.

I feel the same. It's a bit to much. And I didn't understand why Gloria and Winnie didn't throw Varga outta Emmit's office. He had absolutely no business being there.

Yeah the war flashbacks thing went nowhere. I noticed there were a handful of references to alternate realities and I wondered if that was going to have some meaning.

Ah ok. Thanks for letting me know. There's still time to get back on track.

I'm glad to see others shared my view that this season wasn't very good. I wanted to like it but it never hooked me. I barely laughed through the 8 episodes. And after I'd watch one, I'm come here to see what others thoughts, and most people seemed to love it. And I'd read the comments and think, what the hell are

Lyra is Winn's alien girlfriend on "Supergirl."

It was very bad ass. It was just like Trinity's escape from Agent Thompson in Matrix Reloaded. (starts around :58)…

Censored here in metro DC

Completely agree. This season hasn't clicked for me yet.

I'm not sure what show everyone else seems to be watching, but for me, this season of "Archer" is stumbling badly. I didn't laugh once last night. I'd give this episode a D, and that's being generous. I hope it gets better. But it's a rocky start so far.

I also expected the helicopter to explode, and was both disappointed and relieved when it did not.

I think I read somewhere that the doctor at the Saviors compound is / was the brother of the doctor (or a family member of some kind) of the ob-gyn at the Hilltop.

Personally, I think Meggy (the nurse / ex-girlfriend) has something to do with Wes' death. And maybe it's as simple as she was pissed about getting dumped for Laurel.

I agree. And I'm going to take the Father Tomas approach and hope for the best. That we get a season 2.

Thank you for saying that. I always thought those Pope posters were deliberately creepy. "He is coming." Ominous indeed.

I hear what you're saying and don't disagree. I guess I viewed it as I view "The Walking Dead." If you're willing to embrace a world where zombies exist, then you have to be willing to suspend your disbelief. I am ok with overlooking weird things like that.

I really enjoyed the finale, as well as the entire season. I wasn't sure what to expect when it started, but it hooked me at the beginning and I was totally along for the ride. Count me as one of the people who hopes this gets a second season. I want to see the conspiracy on a larger scale. That would be scary.

My interpretation was that the cops are in on it, and they may have some sort of deal with the dead colonists.