Faizan Rashid

Aquaman looks like an overly patriotic Tully.

Missandei ruling with her abs of steel.Yes,please

“Welcome home my queen” ,you sure took your sweet time Dany.

She and Billie Piper deserved those nominations.

I love how the titan’s butt is blackened out.

Margaery Tyrell ,you were too cunning for this world.

Cersei burns them all,Tommen commits suicide when we finds out about his true lineage,Bran goes to the tower of joy again,dani packs up and leaves and Euron will show the dragon horn he has.Also when jaimie leaves the Frays ,Lady Stoneheart appears with the heads of his sons and the brotherhood attacks.

I’m a 58 kg 19 year old,what kind of eating habits do i need to adopt when I start this? My family is very against powdered proteins and other stuff.I do eat healthy three times a day but i don’t gain weight.I lose a lot of weight during the exams at my hostel.