Mr. Van

That’s only because the Feds haven’t mandated airbags, 5mph bumpers and seatbelts on bikes yet.

In VT, if a deer fucks up your car, you get to keep it. Always kept a .22, Buck knife and poly sheet in the delivery van.

I’m American and I’ve been a fan since the 80's.

It shows a real lack of faith. They basically don’t trust God to do what is “right”, so they have to do it themselves under “God’s will”.

Says the guy who lives where it’s winter 10 months of the year.

If I’m now wearing the food or drink I ordered, I’m not gonna tip. Sorry- You blew it.

You don’t need any cars that have more than 76hp, either.

Now they need to sue Tesla for making a car like that and the owner for not keeping it in a safe with child-proof keys.

They do prepare and put down a rock base before they put down an asphalt base. The wear layers of asphalt go on top of that. Bob the builder built that strip of patch.

Make the test harder to keep the squids off the roads.

Are you really qualified in this endevour? All the cars you’ve listed are, like 4 to 10 times what you pay for a car. And none are rusty!

A Jalop would just show up with the cable, change it in the former owner’s driveway, and drive it home.

They are the big money experts of everything.

He would also like “Street Credit”, or, Cred. That Buick screams, “My Mom got me a car.”

Have these car trunks been checked for bodies? Or is that the suspense of getting new keys and popping the trunk?

I saw Cars 2. This will not end well.

Don’t pull up so far. You can stop before the bar so you can see the light in a normal car.

All true baddies have an English accent.

Even more stupid than you can imagine.

Let the kids serve time for doing stupid shit and throw the parents in jail for raising such a stupid shit.