Mr. Van

They are intended to suppress the right to peaceably assemble by making doing so potentially life ending...”

Beautiful shape, bullet-proof drivetrain, comfy cabin, inexpensive parts. If you take care of this car, it will take care of you. NP


That’s because you haven’t had cake from Publix.

Publix cakes are better than most.

Looks cool. We won’t get it. We’ll get a Lincoln re-badged 2018 Focus.

The Subaru SVX and Merkur XR4Ti

Shut up and don’t give him any ideas!

I find it very hard to believe that fuel dispensing technicians who have studied and taken the required state certification courses would commit such a self-serving action solely to make an extra dollar or two on your fuel purchase in NJ.

And only if I even buy one.

Liability is the name of the game. If your “product” is driving, then I sure as Hell AM NOT paying for the insurance. The manufacturers think they can sell autonomous cars and not carry full comp on their “drivers”. I’ll stick with the meat popsicles currently driving.

Guess what color commands a higher resale? Black (If it’s been taken care of.)

Or if they do have a bus, it seems like the schedule was set by a guy with no job who had to be home before the streetlights came on.

Yes, but if you take it to work, you will be fired for coming in everyday at 9:13 am for your 7:30am shift

How about we try to sync the fucking lights first, shall we? Not every problem needs a complicated, expensive solution.

I had to check if this was about my college buddy. All the bigger ladies loved him. His nickname was FatMagnet.

I’m not a big Gwennyth Paltrow, but I thought her singing voice sounded really good in Duets with Huey Lewis.

What’s wrong with that? The worst that happened to me was Ryder reported dye in the tanks, which means I was paying tax on untaxed off-road fuel.

You can’t.

But none dare call it inflation. Hey- the price is exactly the same!