Or in SoVT, where flatlanders buy a farm in the country, then complain that their neighbor is actively farming on his property, not just using it for 100 acres of lawn and water features.
Or in SoVT, where flatlanders buy a farm in the country, then complain that their neighbor is actively farming on his property, not just using it for 100 acres of lawn and water features.
If Bill Gates were the designer, you would have to now pop the trunk to put it in gear. Because... Innovation.
Both drivers clocked an extra 39 minutes of their overpriced salary at time-and -a- half.
The media always gives these shooters what they want: To be famous.
What if the autopilot was taught by shitty drivers? I don’t see anything too impressive when the guy has his hands on the wheel.
Us Gen-Xers didn’t film ourselves breaking the law and then show video of the incriminating acts to random anybodies for all to see. How many kids today get busted because they posted their dirt on Facebook like idiots?
Was gonna say, “tennis racket and a dustpan” but, you beat me to it.
My bet is ALL OF THEM insider traded the stock and nothing will be done except to put on a dog-and-pony show for the public.
My attorney has advised me to say, “Why yes! I have had long lasting whiplash effects” whenever asked.
I kinda pegged him as a Monte Carlo with T-tops guy.
Apple would make a new EV with a propriety charger then totally change the charger every other year. Instead of upgrading you to a new handle to fit your existing car, they’d sell you a new charger for the price of a new car. Fuck Apple.
Can’t go wrong at Lucky Dragon. Any Lucky Dragon.
Just buy a conversion van, man.
Will also turn your skin green if it corrodes from your sweat, so there’s that. Magical!
VT is lousy with homes carrying an ‘at’. The Dump at Pretentious Hill.
It has a great personality.
You can get fries at Taco Bell?
NASCAR under Pokemon rules.
Random beatings until morale improves.