Like bacon? Then yes!
Like bacon? Then yes!
I’m done with iReady and their stupid, racist stereotypes.
+1 for deviled eggs! Not a fancy dinner without them.
Buy mahi. Make blackened fish sandwiches for Easter.
The only person who would vote CP is the poor sap that has to sit in the middle of the bench.
Not raw.
Me too.
Maybe I’m mis-remembering, but I thought Saul mentions in BB that he and his ex-wife have “an arrangement”.
CP! Check the brake lines for rust. They used the shittiest steel for them in the early 2000s. The engine will start leaking oil like a stuck pig. Run.
90% Versas. No real loss.
Very nice work. One of the reasons I loved to watch old Thomas The Tank Engine episodes was the excellent and realistic modelling work they had on the show. Love me some sweet train layouts.
Maybe you can find a free boat somewhere to create a trifecta of bad choices?
But you wouldn’t want to buy the house next to the pink house, either.
Keep a lookout for my gold Univega. Last I saw it was 1985.
When will she buy a camera that can focus? Every video I’ve seen of her appears to have Vaseline smeared on the lens.
Is there any way to consolidate by using your own inventory of parts cars to fix, say three?
One time, my Mom couldn’t find her purse. She looked “all over” and “everywhere”. She asked me if I’d seen it.
I’d install a fifth-wheel and haul around 40' semi trailers .
I don’t know. I’ll wait until Chrissy Teigen tells me what to think.