
Sorry, but where did he employ misogyny? I have met many a born-again Christians, and they all go into a trancelike talk about destiny, and the wonderfulness of coincidence, and souls in a room. It always comes across as someone high on E, but generally it is just over-passionate fools who want to share the "love"

Agreed. It gave the story a much needed jolt in storytelling, by not taking itself so serious. Charlie has always had questionable taste.

Not as awful as all that, but The Boy Is Mine takes on a nasty taste after realizing Brandy was grinding with her brother in the video. Eww.

That thing is crazy. Especially when it spins you 180 so you have no idea which way is up.

@ GoodBytes You do realize that CD audio is not lossless, but is compressed audio, no?

You do realize that CD audio is not lossless, but is compressed audio, no?

Sorry, is the interface done in Comic Sans?

I think the point is that the action would start immediately without any backstory needed, not that it would be like Empire Strikes Back.

Isn't this the same FHM that was just a step "above" Playboy in the 90s? Why did she pose for them at all?

Well this is hitting a new low for Gizmodo. Siri looks for directions via services like Yelp, not your local phone book.

Take a look back at the opening animation for Revolution Studios. The armillary sphere has been used done a million times. []

I don't understand all of this griping about healthy competition and walled gardens. When you bought an iPhone, you bought for the complete Apple experience. You wouldn't expect a nice restaurant to allow you to bring in a Big Mac to eat.

Agreed. I have seen many nieces and nephews go through this phase, long before an iPad.

Serving cream puffs in a meeting says it all. Why does this seem like a scene from Mean Girls?

This is so heading the way of Enemy of the State, where you could zoom in to infinity, and see the subject from a totally different viewpoint than the camera physically had!

Or in other words "The market has spoken, people want (netbooks) and are willing to pay for them." How did that work out for you?

I can't find it on the site anymore, but there was once a troubleshooting solution for the 21" Apple Studio Display that would develop lines on screen over time. The actual suggested solution was to hit the display exactly at the side logo with a firm but gently palm slap.

I am from a well-liked family in a southern small town. My family has always been praised as good people with heart. But get them together on the holidays, and the words "colored" and "wetback" are thrown around with glee. Nobody is a racist, they just don't like non-whites...

Sorry to burst your bubble, but they already have data caps.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but they already have bandwidth/data caps.