
1) Capitalize when referring to Black Americans the same as you would for Asian Americans, Jews, Native Americans etc.What’s the matter for you?”

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Here’s part of the problem. Our music brought us together.
Now the music is used to promote disrespect imprisonment and death.
Black lives don’t matter to music executives. I don’t call anyone or answer to the n-word out of respect.


I don’t recall anyone asking about queer representation in movies and tv shows, about Batman, Superman, the Hulk, or Spiderman,

Not every Black movie or TV show has to represent “queers”. Watch Empire or Moonlight. How is that Moonlight got all those Oscars, and Hidden Figures baseD on the true story of some remarkable technologically advanced Black women got none? Who made that decision? Ask the gay community why so little funding goes to

Which is worse this caricature, or the music industry promoting us as

Jones opponent’ Roy Moore said.

I don’t see what’s racist about the flyer. A racist is someone who thinks there skin color makes them superior to others. The answer to the question is no.
He would be in jail. Before the 1960's he would have been lynched. Remember what happened Emmit Till.

Outstanding. The revitalization can happen with the support of community.

I won’t be buying Made in China this year.

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I have huge problem with corporate media executives like Jimmy Iovine, and Lyor Cohen, hiring Black rappers that promote Black on Black violence and denigration against Black men and women. Watch this.

I don’t understand the title. I do understand that our future depends on primarily on two things: 1) How we treat each other. 2) How much money we spend with each other. The more billions we spend with each other, the better of we’ll be. Number one reason why couples break up is finances.

I like it. I like the fact the council of CEO’s met. Good intentions. I like the fact that Kenneth Frasier showed leadership and was the first to leave. I like the fact the others followed. I like the fact the Trump had a good opportunity to expose himself.

Antifa = Antifascist.

Haters are going to hate. The key is not to let them stop you from reaching your goal. The most important part of the story is the team leaders response to the hate.

“They yelled out rude comments, and I think that they can talk all they want because at the end we’re still going to Worlds,” said team leader Elijah

Don’t complain about the movie, complain about the situation. We can all do something about it.

Black lives don’t matter to the music industry.
Gangsta rap is the set up for the lock up. It promotes Black genocide, and denigration of Black women. It is promoted and distributed by Jewish music executives like Jimmy