Moe Rubenzahl

One other note: If you do this, remind people that unlike other sous vide applications, you need to be very careful with the water! Just one drop of water will cause the chocolate to seize, producing a granulated mess.

Yes, please try tempering chocolate! I have tried and gotten very good results but am still perfecting the methods. More tests are in order. Here, for what it’s worth, are my notes so far:

According to the Centers for Disease Control, 1 in 10,000 eggs contain Salmonella. But if you’re still concerned, sous vide is an ideal way to sanitize an egg (or a batch of dough). 135°F for 1 hour 15 minutes, according to Doug Baldwin, god of sous vide and the Interwebs are full of other recommendations. Keep below

Both valid ideas.

They come seasoned well enough. It’s not as good as it will be after you have used it a dozen more times but it’s ok.

I have both — older, smooth ones and Lodge with the slightly pebbly finish. I don’t see a difference in performance. Neither did Serious Eats.

Maybe Fry’s Electronics needs a name change. 

“I can steal from (the phone company, the government, the boss, ...) because they’re rich and make tons of money.” It’s a rationalization.

Can lead to novel hair styles, too.

Waitaminute. He mostly tasted salted butters. That’s unfortunate.

It’s simple. If you feel better buying certified organic, do it. If not, buy conventional.

Fight for your right to display class and stand out from the crowd, because there is nothing like an f-bomb to make you look like a righteous rebel.

I believe I remember that Cook’s Illustrated tested this and the difference in timing was surprisingly small. My guess is that the radiant heat, much of which is there from the start, gets things rolling and the convective heat comes in later than usual but not that much later.

Nice. But I put mine in a brown beer bottle and top it with a pour spout (the kind used in liquor bottles or for salad dressing). Like these:…

Nice. But I put mine in a brown beer bottle and top it with a pour spout (the kind used in liquor bottles or for

Another idea is miso butter. Add about a teaspoon of yellow miso per tablespoon of butter. Great on corn.

Ooh, you know what would be awesome with butter? Butter!!

Cheater!! Oh, I love this.

Not true but couldn’t hurt. If you’re worried choose TOP TIER-branded fuels (many, many major brands) as that’s a branded certification with some credibility.

Interesting. I was just wondering how much energy Olympic-level swimmers use.

Me, too. I don’t need tracking for the game to be fun.