
It was even more confusing that that. Because If I understand it right, OW got disbanded WAY before OW1, and OW1 was already about the re-uniting. So the Launch trailer for OW2 just seemed like a mild summary of OW1? say emotional, I say twee and trite, with all the depth of a puddle.

That actually looks pretty cool. My first thought was the thing in the sky looked like something Naaru, but I think it was supposed to be, like, an upside-down Icecrown. Shades of Castlevania’s inverted castle, I guess.

she couldn’t fight saurfang / malf / greymane, but she solos LK?  lol k

What a lackluster apology, completely undermining the core issue in a company’s leaders aquiescing to political standard imposed by a thin skinned autocracy and firing those who dare speak truth to it.

Translation: this affected our sales and stock price.

The problem with Tulsa and that whole middle part of the country is that it is culturally sterile. It has the culture of No Culture. It is like visiting a half empty strip mall where the only stores left are a Mailboxes Etc and a Hallmark store. It is the Unflavored Ice Milk of culture.

One way to look at it is that it is getting trans people’s gender wrong. That is a correct and valid way to look at it.

I think it’s always worth asking if you have any ACTUAL food allergies. (Being gluten free just for the sake of being gluten free doesn’t count.) And I think we’re still in a situation where most chefs are willing to oblige. BUT, at the end of the day, it’s up to the chef. Nobody is forcing you to go out to dinner. If

Hey Josh, not only do I love sports, but I love other topics when they have a sports-related angle, so I have to say I was excited to read this article.

Can I notify vegetarian restaurants that my religion requires me to eat a meat course with every meal?

Imagine defending Mark Zuckerberg on the internet for free.

“And the thing is...he isn’t. I mean, he’s not exactly socially *adept*, but he’s been involved with (and later married to) the same woman for years.”

“This kind of stereotyping flies in the face of what we know to be true about humans. It doesn’t reflect the real world.”

Mardi Moore is incorrect. The algorithms do reflect what we know to be biologically true about humans. 

But why though?

If you actually listened to everything Obama said, you probably wouldn’t be so pissed off, because what he actually said was that calling people out over insignificant things and doing nothing else didn’t count as activism. And he’s right.

So you mean it’s working correctly.

Sorry kiddo, technology works off facts, not feelings.

How the fuck can you expect it to identify non-binary correctly?

So it turns out facial recognition software can’t read minds? What an amazing, groundbreaking study.