
Yeah, the list accounts for many factors, while this article recognizes only one.

This is the key. Americans need to just stop eating garbage, but no amount of information will dissuade them.

Also it’s come to the point where, unless you or someone you love cooked it from scratch, anything you eat is probably bad for you. “Added sugars” information will only help more people realize this.

I always offer my kids what we’ve made and that usually want apples instead. Just straight apples. Sometimes sliced. Have you ever had to convince a kid to eat a hot dog? It’s surreal.

toddler milk, marketed as an alternative to cow’s milk”

Uh oh. Outer Worlds on Game Pass really blows up my plan to wait for the Switch release. Re-subbing for $10 and canceling in a month sounds a lot more attractive than full price.

Why/who are you tipping for takeout? You got literally zero service.

But the internet anxiety machine demands tribute!

Fair enough. It’s easier for me to dismiss that as corporate bullshit and it wouldn’t put me off.

Are you going to expect 60+ hours a week? ... Am I on call 24/7?”

It totally does. No one is going to like you if you clearly don’t like yourself. That’s why the nice guy bullshit never really works. To succeed you need to give up on convincing other people and start convincing yourself. When you’re happy, people will see it and will want to be a part of it.

Employers want you to grow and learn so that you become more useful and valuable to them. Unless you’re talking about retail or something.

When you hear “I hate my current job,” rest assured it probably hates them back.

My idea: start a two-hour clock upon the first pitch. After the clock expires, the next inning to begin is declared the ninth inning.

I also heard the cores are now wound by machine, making them more flawless and therefore more aerodynamic as well.

Take it easy. It’s a company that makes a consumer product, not a family member going through a hard time.

I don’t see why an existing Xbox or PS4 owner would get this.

Disparity in quality of education is an issue of economic class, but adjusting for race is a lot easier than untangling that.

Dethklok, the parody metal band that is a legitimately good metal band.

“How about YOU tell me why I should want to work here?”