I thought that was just one of his action skills, but making it a single press of the ping button would be a lot better than holding the action skill button.
I thought that was just one of his action skills, but making it a single press of the ping button would be a lot better than holding the action skill button.
Outer Wilds is an easy #1 of the year for me.
If I can’t set functions to the paddles independently of the other buttons, what is the point of the controller at all?
When the weapons are on the D-pad, alt fire is hold-Y and ping can be selected by holding the menu button. That wouldn’t change.
No joke, I seriously considered buying Xbone Elite controller just to cycle quests with the paddles.
I was always calmed by the sun explosion music. Unless I was sprinting to get something in under the wire, I would drop what I was doing and find a nice vantage point to watch the end of the world.
FF13 literally has a “game plays itself” option. It’s a goddamn travesty that would have been forgotten if there wasn’t a legion of fanboys laboring to prop up the brand.
I ended up playing RDR2 and it’s possibly the best game of the generation. Its faults are there, but everything else eclipsed those in ways that Witcher 3 could not.
By any other name, this game would be forgotten as garbage. But it says “Final Fantasy” in the title, so we need to keep debating it.
ok you win
Oh man, Donald Trump has his own Godwin’s Law now.
What’s your Nintendo analogue for this?
I’m probably not going to get RDRII, so I am personally offended by all the RDRII articles this week and demand an apology.
He did that with Nintendo Switch Online. I think the most ringing endorsement you’ll get around here is “It’s good enough, I guess.”
“There is no cow level.”
The inevitable Switch bashing is worse.
wow u really mad
You okay bro? Do you need someone to talk to? We’re all friends here.
I just had difficulty parsing your sentence, because the whole point of the Philly BK holding out was that Philly people know better. How you extrapolated that into a dunk on Philly not knowing any better was a pretty big stretch.
I’m holding out hope for a b-b-b-bonus episode on Wednesday.