
I’m just here to plug Leo Karpatze’s “Monster Fuck.”

Ipso facto, the presence of any Burger King anywhere renders local cuisine null and void?

The dirty secret is that any pizza place can give you a perfectly serviceable cheesesteak.

If you’re at Reading you skip the steaks entirely and go to DiNic’s for a roast pork with provolone and broccoli rabe. 

The trailer made this look interesting but I couldn’t shake the “this should be on the CW” vibe.

I got a Community notification for this?

I first got it with Next and I’m hard pressed to imagine how there could be less to do. There are a ton of planets to explore but not a whole lot to find on them. Once that dawned on me my enthusiasm really flagged. This update sounds like it could be cool, but I’m not really excited about more procedurally-generated

I picked this up for the first time with Next and I’m kinda underwhelmed. I think I’m gonna junk my “story” playthrough and start over with a free explore save and see if it’s better without the shopping list that constitutes its narrative.

My Boston fan brother-in-law is so bored with this that I said congratulations this morning and he didn’t know what I was talking about.

Don’t worry, Philly is still apparently the worst. Even though it’s notable when the Dodgers or Giants go the entire season without having a fan die in their parks.

Bad memories of Ryan Howard striking out to lose the 2009 World Series and 2010 NLCS. He hurt himself on the second one.

Can you IMAGINE the agony of not winning a championship for ten whole years??

The Tinder subreddit has two rules for Tinder success:

People who blog four hours a day for a living are bound to be upset by the idea of an occasional 100-hour work week.

This is why this site is still so randy for Witcher 3, even though every component that actually makes it a video game is pounded shit.

In the opening level of Metal Gear Solid 3, you need to sneak through a swamp filled with guards and with no radar, but there is no way to move and look directly in front of you at the same time. I returned it for a full refund the same day.

“Maybe it’s the draftiest table and she didn’t want your mom to whine about the cold. Maybe that middle table tends to get bumped into, and that could disturb your mom’s cane.”

I’m skipping the RDR hype train for now and am continuing with my first playthrough of Hollow Knight. I just got past an enraging bit of platforming, but overall it is an extremely satisfying game.

I’m dubious of this idea of the benevolent server silently deciding what is best for the guests after no consultation. The real answer is economic from beginning to end.

We did that, but our oldest still landed in a phase where he has favorites and will try nothing else, even stuff he used to like as a baby. Since his favorites are apples, raw vegetables, and yogurt, it’s kinda hard to really fight him on it.