That dude goes to Costco weekly? That’s a quarterly trip, max. Unless you’re supplying a frat house, you don’t need to restock on anything at Costco on a weekly basis.
That dude goes to Costco weekly? That’s a quarterly trip, max. Unless you’re supplying a frat house, you don’t need to restock on anything at Costco on a weekly basis.
76 is an experiment in what they can sell to you just by branding it correctly. It is not a Fallout game.
I’m waiting and putting Smash on my Christmas list because I want to know how the multiplayer connections hold up first. I don’t want to get it until I know it’s not a laggy mess like it was on the 3DS.
why does she have the insert for my rice cooker on her head
It would at least answer the most important question surrounding Captain Marvel.
My three-year-old now knows what Christmas means but we’ve made no effort to connect it to Santa. His grandparents bring it up occasionally but I don’t think it has stuck yet. Maybe I’m just a jaded elder millennial, but I’d like to avoid lying to him about this at all. There are plenty of things worth lying to kids…
The ice cream truck that prowls the neighborhood on summer evenings is “the music truck with nothing in it.” I trained them to call it exactly that, purely for my own amusement. We’ll see how long that lasts.
I’ll save you some trouble, but ignore if light spoilers would upset you!
I forgot to mention I still feel guilty after only spending ONE HUNDRED HOURS on Stardew Valley, so I set high bars for myself.
Venom barely shows up at all. He was all swooshes and blobs. We barely saw his fucking iconic face. Why even bother?
In the N64 Spider-Man game, that FF Paper Bag Man suit was an unlockable costume.
Yeah, Iron Man is the reason why we’re even doing this column, and we just did Batman Begins. Wrong choice.
I’m trying to find excuses to not buy something new but it’s hard. Sure I could grind out that final boss in Octopath, but after finishing all eight stories over 70 hours, I feel I’ve wrung all I could out of that game. Sure I could work on Enter the Gungeon and Death Road to Canada unlocks, but roguelites don’t…
Ehh, the server casually suggesting something that will triple the price of the pizza without taking the initiative to disclose the cost is a little different than asking for a substitution and expecting it to be free. Given that the server instigated it, I might actually complain to management about that.
No, you’re wrong for pairing buffalo chicken with Swiss.
A Red Baron, a six pack of cheap beer, and a whole lot of World of Warcraft pretty much made up every Friday night in law school for me. Those nights were pretty much the highlight of that three years.
Bud Light pre-skunks the beer so it never gets worse. That’s customer-first thinking!
Aside from that total food prude of a superintendent, you should really disclose what you’re feeding to kids.
At least they’re not just lying to you like they did to me with Fallout 4. I got a nice credit when I complained, though.
He probably secured stock by signing a contact with the publisher for sufficient stock (though I’m sure there is an ass-saving caveat that gives the publisher an out for “unforeseen” stock issues).