Mister Truck

Well of course you think it's dumb because it doesn't blindly agree with your statement. the fact that someone can articulate a counter point that makes more sense than your 4 paragraph "article"Fact is you are a less than talented writer that's why you are a blogger. I give you credit though given your reslience to

stop fantasy football and you eliminate a gigantic chunk of casual viewers

maybe it was a typo but did he ever blame anyone else ? Or were you trying to build drama to get people to click the link to the actual article Good work linking an article though and kind of puking out a sub par paragraph that must have been pretty rough.

everyone seems to be confusing this as a website that is fed content by actual journalists. Those who write on here are merely a band of mediocre bloggers who are all about the clicks not the content. anyone who is upset over their process has no right to be you all must remember this is a site that got put on the

because their job is to report on the story not to become the story.

Simple, that's what happens when you have a drug testing policy that is from 1987!

well you should have told them how offended they should be.

I'm sure it had nothing to do with the jersey sales or the increased media coverage or the possibility of maybe another prime time game. No it had nothing to do with the monetary gains. They picked him because it was the right thing to do. Right.....

your comment makes zero sense.