
I notice in your effort to suck up to the police you didn’t actually address how the fear of black teens meant gunning down unarmed kids when they didn’t somehow feel that same fear when dealing with a supposed cop killer. Or another white teen known to be heavily armed and boasting of a desire to assinate Joe Biden.

A white teenager with a van full of guns posted to social media that he was going to kill Biden. He taken alive and unharmed.

Fair enough, I don’t have anything against her, or any opinion really, it’s just one of those mildly infuriating things for broke people to read.

‘Who Are You Helping?’

Forcible Transfer of Children is an act of genocide per the UN Genocide Convention, to which the United States is a signatory.

I hate to say it but I have to agree; I read this and the accompanying article and sent to my daughters because I’m a big fan of hers and so are they. I love that she continues to rise in an industry where the odds are stacked against stories like hers. But I’ve never liked hearing about how folks with money stay


Imagine if one tenth of the children caged by Trump became so traumatized that they became radicalized and did to the U.S. whatever the year 2035 equivalent is of what was done on September 11, 2001?!

“We took kids from their parents, threw them in cages, and took no steps to ensure they could ever be identified or reunited” does sound like testimony from the Nuremberg Trials.  If this is the kind of “greatness” MAGAts want to return to, then America deserves to fall.  Fucking Nazi filth. . .

“Bob Chapek (Disney’s CEO) would want to hunt down that fool and give them the heave. “

It’s normal police procedure.
When a shoot out that happened a few feet in front of me broke out between police and a suspect they were after, the cops fired first. When the news coverage came out later that night, the cops lied and said they only shot after the shooter fired off his AK-47 (kind of a noticeable

This article puts me in the awkward position of...feeling...bad(?)...for a multi-millionaire who didn’t get free shit when she demanded it? 

I want that piece of filth Stephen Miller to be buried up to his neck, covered with honey and for thousands of ants to be unleashed on him. I want anyone associated with this in the worst fucking jail known to man. From the forced hysterectomies, to the children left with no parents this fucking collection of scum

And those teeth?

If I expect a line for voting, I pretend to be barely informed voter who only came out to vote for my brother-in-law’s cousin who is running for judge/school board or something. I print out a second copy of the list of races/ballot items and leave it blank except for the race I said which I will have highlighted and

I think the best one I’ve run across in the wild was a recreation of the first level from Donkey Kong. Managed to take a few screenshots before I logged off.

Former journalist here. What Ms. Carroll posed was not exactly a “when-did-you-stop-beating-your-wife’s-ass?” kind of question, but it’s close enough to make it likely Phylicia Rashad was a bit annoyed. Certainly whenever an interview subject responds “Oh, you should do a little research on that...” the reporters be

A friend filming an update called the young man a “true hero.”

The pup runs to him after he’s thrown, a complete stranger—probably, she was a stranger too--but that just proves it. That’s full flight instincts.

Stop using dogs as a weapon