Exactly. If you treat people differently simply on the basis of their skin color, then you are a racist, end of story.
Exactly. If you treat people differently simply on the basis of their skin color, then you are a racist, end of story.
What continues to annoy me is that people defend Lucas as “not racist.” The guy who ran the pizza parlor he worked as a teen, or his friend from school. “He’s not racist.”
These same people try to dismiss “systemic racism.” They fail to understand that these cops don’t have to be lynching, n-word spewing klansmen.…
Both of you are right and it’s scary how Americans have because so blase’ when the death count is still ~1000 people per day.
Some news agencies have interviewed doctors who say Trump will be experiencing the full symptoms next week.
It’s helpful that it looks like Jezebel has stopped trying to urge a Blexit from Biden. I suppose the editors over there finally got the message that continuing to press the BERNIE button at this point only helps Trump, and that it matters if Trump somehow gets 4 more years.
Every group of people in history has been socialist. It is the defining trait of what separated us from the rest of the animal kingdom. The only differences between political structures is how few or many control and benefit from the combined group effort.
you want “Soc’lisn”
Is everything she does just a self-Owens now?
Yeah, I’m a bit confused on that too.
I never turned in one of my text books to my highschool and never received my physical diploma because I own them $50.
So now that I graduated with a B.A., i’m not exactly sure how that affects my “permanent” record.
So first the disclaimer that I have not played Fallout 76. However, I’m also not going to shit on it. Much.
Those one shot builds were killing the game and pissing many players off. Go to fight the big bosses and end up not getting anything because someone insta killed the boss and you got no damage in.
It’s fine if you get it for free. But it also depends on what kind of game you appreciate. If you’re looking for an RPG-esque experience, well... Kotaku’s great at many things but they clearly have nobody who has much knowledge there - they kept badgering everyone about how The Outer Worlds reinvented the RPG, a game…
Um... Gold bars came out with the wastelander expansion, and Earle just got released with the first legendary run which was a few months AFTER gold bars etc was put in the game, so you are wrong in regards to your comment of “You know, all things that came out after the stuff you mentioned” Gold bars are a currency…
ahem, you have to do roleplaying to make it ok. Larping refers only to live action roleplaying.
Fallout 76 isn’t a bad game at this point. That it took as long as it did to get to this point and after a lot of the things Pete and Todd trumpeted ended up being BS (private servers, atom store would only be cosmetic, etc) weighed heavily on the initial (and largely still) on the overall perception of this game.
Online Fallout still kinda scares me but screw it, it’s on Game Pass I’ll give it a shot.
It is what it is...
Kevin Conroy. No exceptions.