
A lot of Sicilians have some degree of African ancestry. That doesn’t make them black.

Fucker doesn’t even understand how medical insurance works because he has never had to worry about such trivial things.  Like all these rich fuckers.  

Trump is reversing it all. Trump and the GOP want to go back to the 80's greed is good era in the 21st century. In other words they’re playing an old game in a new world. It’s harder to hide crimes in the 21st social media world we live in today. The only solution for a 1980's white man brain is to fight it by breaking

There’s a speech from the guy who wrote Trump’s art of the deal where trump introduces him to his golfing buddies and he says, “He has to cheat, right? How does he cheat?” and everyone’s real quiet. Then he gets it, and says, “Oh... you guys cheat for him!” and they all started laughing and pulling balls out of their

What’s a “weekend”?

Whenever white people talk about mlk this quote pops into my head,

Whatever you do, do not click on his banner ads several times and close the page so that they have to pay more for the cost-per-click (CPC) media campaign. I definitely do NOT do this for every T-P ad I come across online. 🙃

ONE fucking percent of their overall budget, and she does this?

Joe winning a debate against that idiot wouldn’t be difficult. He would just have to say, over and over again, “Well that sounds like a lie to me... what do you think moderator?”

Yes, I know I’ve been stranded in the desert for a week, but I SPECIFICALLY asked for San Pellegrino and you’ve given me a dasani?!  FUCK THIS I’M GOING TO JUST EAT SAND AND DIE.  

Agreed. This is his weekly “grandstand on a Friday for tha clicks” play. And much like the repeated announcement of “we’ll be releasing a beautiful health care plan in the next few days” it will never amount to anything.

Look, tencent is shit, but trump is only doing this as theatre. He agrees with all the shit china does. This isn’t standing up to china. It’s two fascists having a falling out.

I’m VERY wary too but I’ve had some whites do some extraordinary things for me...over periods of time...(like slaveowners who treated their Black chefs & childcare workers very well)... only to betray me later. That’s what lulls me into thinking some are ok. But, I’m no pushover, let it go type. I’m the vengeful, take

I read the social media post elsewhere & got the org name wrong (here) but the Instagram quote is right in TheRoot blog post:

There’s a thin line between ally and opportunist. An ally shows up and stands WITH (or in this case, as a SHIELD in front of BLM from police & mercenaries) and accedes leadership and direction to the cause. WOM didn’t wanna show up where BLM needed the shield but where the mercenaries THEY wanted out and cameras were.

The term anti-semitism has a specific meaning because it has always been used to specifically describe the targeting of Jewish people, at a time when there was not a single predominantly Jewish country in the world. “Anti-semitism” was never used to describe anyone

The Semitic people are the various ethnic groups who speak Semitic languages, which include Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic and Amharic, among others (not to mention extinct members). However, the word “anti-Semitism” was coined in 19th century Germany to refer specifically to hatred of the Jewish people. That is the only

I signed a petition about this last night, and plan to call and email the judge’s clerks and the school board members today. As a special education teacher, I found it especially horrifying how none of Grace’s teachers advocated for her. One of them was supposed to attend her hearing, but had to leave the

Nothing good has ever included adding Professor Griff to the conversation...

This is what happens when no one tells you no. When you’re clearly ill or delusional, but you’re the money man so all you get are “Wow Mr. Ye, you’re a genius.” “Gee, Mr. Yeezy, that last album sure was fire!”

No one is going to tell him that this is straight up fucking nonsense.