
While I appreciate his moxy, I'm afraid the follow up story will to this will be Schreiber is arrested while breaking into Bryan Singer's house while dressed in a Wolverine costume.

Dream on.

Nah, I think you're being about fair enough. Snark aside, I'm Wide Awake It's Morning is one of my all-time favorite albums. I like a lot of singles from other albums, but he's fallen into this Ryan Adam-esque rut of releasing so much well-made, but ultimately meaningless music.

Live in the now. The current Future Islands album is amazing. Honestly, it's your own fault for having expectations for Conor Oberst. His eyes may be bright, but he'll always let you down.

I kinda like Sublime in a "hey they were big when I was in high school" kinda way, but I love the way Jonah Ray hates them.

No thank you! That sounds super uninspiring.

…do we need to? I'm not sure about your numbers, but isn't that just how popular opinion works?


Not sure about the Masterson connection, but Prepon is involved in the church. Rumor was that Tom Cruise auditioned her to be his next Scientology wife.

Ugh. I hope our species evolves out of this notion that celebrities in Masterson's position need our judgement one way or the other just because we liked a thing he was on once upon a time. It doesn't help the situation, or do anything for the conversation beyond reducing something serious to terms of fanboy loyalty.

RIP Jay Leno.

Well, thank you for your service.

No, you're right. People confuse the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences with the police department all the time. Thanks for clearing that up!

Yeah, I'm sure a ton of people thought he got the Oscar for those sexual harassment charges.

What does it add to the conversation that people didn't already understand?

I'm sure that will settle things.

Well, there are accusations which threw money at rather than dealing with in court. Doesn't look good. Here's an article with the details.

Well, I'm saying it's 100% bullshit. You can hide behind "nobody knows for sure" all you want, but I don't need some rando on the Internet explaining how personal opinion works just because they don't have an actual response to something I've said.

All due respect, but that's bullshit. Maher was more interested in flirting with what he thought was an up & coming star than dressing anyone down. He seemed as though he'd barely done in any research into the man's career. He even let Milo's nonsensical explanation of the Adelaide Kramer incident fly, I'm guessing

Nothing can match Bill Maher's smugness.