Fred E. Mercury

“You’re a racist if you voted for Trump”

“It can be hard to put your finger on exactly what you fear most about the rise of Donald Trump: the racism? The sexism? The xenophobia? The profoundly dangerous lack of judgment?”

Let’s not forget: Fuck Hillary Clinton for being such a terrible candidate and odious personality with the worst political instincts since Walter Mondale, making Trump a viable choice for millions of people.

I was expecting a little more of a slap then that. He deserved to be slapped for wearing an “our house” jersey alone.

Only on Deadspin will you see writers making fun of Tim Tebow for hitting a game-winning single in a professional league while, at the same time, writing 10,000-word columns lauding a Pakistani team as heroes for getting the shit kicked out of them by such baseball powerhouses as Brazil and Great Britain in the World

Use your pain, it will make you stronger.

West Ham, Bengals, Flyers and Royals fan. I was 32 when I saw my first sports championship for one of my teams. Let me tell you, completely worth the wait.

Some say he’s still falling today...

It’s all a beauty pageant, and Washington is a little Husky.

Cam: “Hey, can you please start enforcing the rules you’ve created?”

If there’s anything we know about Durant and the Warriors, they only really start losing it from game 5 on.

Thank god the fun police showed up. Honestly, what’s the point of your comment? Just wanted to rain on someone’s parade?

I seriously cannot stop laugh-crying. My inner 15 year old has been unleashed. FIFA, I wish I knew how to quit you.

Jameis looking for the line of scrimmage on that last play:

I don’t see how “you could do this with football” undermines my original point about watchable sports.

Carson Wentz will win Super Bowl MVP this year, fuck you.

Wait you mean you were so eager to tell everyone how wrong someone who disagrees with you was, you didn’t get the basics of the story first? 2016 “journalism” in a nut shell.

I’m not saying it is the ONLY way, nor do i agree with Dabo’s...words. So please don’t accuse me of either.

Or celebrating his own personal achievement and acting like they were going to lap their opponent when it was 17-7 he is black so I don’t like him.