Fred E. Mercury

I don’t see how this ends any other way than eliminating kickoffs. It would be weird and suck, but the NFL seems weirdly fixed on this one area (I get it, more injuries happen here) rather than other areas (helmet-to-helmet, etc). Since they care so much about limiting kickoff returns, the easiest way to do that is to

No. Most churches did not support these things. A few did, but as is the case with everything we do, we magnify the few in memory and minimize the majority.

So basically...

The motivation here is clearly beyond football. They want to attract Olympics, World Cups, those types of events ... to the benefit of some citizens and the detriment of all.

ALL HAIL KING CARSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...he offered a truly bewildering take on the Colin Kaepernick situation.

Unions suffocate productivity. If you want job security, work hard and make yourself invaluable. It’s not all whether you were gifted with brains or not. Lots of skilled workers do fine and make a good living. Be good at what you do. That’s always been the best way.

Sling gets you NFL Network now for Thursday games and ESPN for Monday Night games. I have an antenna that gets me Sunday night games and the other FOX/CBS nationally broadcast games for free. I get my local team included in that. I don’t need every single game, but that package above costs me $20/month. You can’t beat

I get it, fine. But she didn’t give a link to sign up for Mens Night at the Ballpark. Where is this happening and how can I sign up?!?

I support this. No fan, let alone player, should have to put up with a true asshole like this guy. Not one! #MakeBallParksGreatAgain

All Dances Matter.

Am I the only one who thinks this new Godzilla looks terrible?

It was a long, narrow flag. From the way they folded it it sort of looks like a ... giant paper football?



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In Alex Wilson’s post, it looks like Bruce Rondon grabs his nuts after the bottle hits Iglesias’ head. He either has to pee really bad or he has some weird turn-ons.

David Stern orchestrated the rigging of the 2012 NBA draft lottery to force Anthony Davis to New Orleans before selling the team, providing the franchise, which the league owned, a huge boost in value.

+1 This will never not be funny.

Ballghazi, just to piss off Pats fans.

I’m O-negative. It’s the kind that’s great for everyone except me (because everyone can use it, but I can only take O-negative, which is fairly rare). I give probably about 4-6 times a year because I know it’s needed, but I hate the way the Red Cross hounds me. They will call twice a day, every day from a new number