
Cover of Hurt…fucking hated it.

But I know people who say this in earnest!

I said it already but it features a line between two cybernetically enhanced characters that is unforgivable. "Log off man"

Eliza Dushku can't carry a show period.

Rent is polarizing but yeah, it's a very "of its time" and very calculated in how it strives to appeal to the audience - but if you're on the other side of being poor and in your 20s, it plays out as a whiny mess where people are so wrapped up in themselves that you wonder how they aren't dead already.

I'll go more specific - New Jack Swing. It never ever resonated with me.

If you aren't watching italian horror for the sountracks, then yeah, it is pretty barren at times.

See, this is why people dislike Adventure Time. The fans make discussing it impossible since its black or white to them.

Exploring the why is the most important part of this exercise.

I am a lot less favorable towards Walter White than McNulty because half of White's motivation seems to be ego and proving to the world he was more than a milquetoast high school chemistry teacher - which isn't contemptible on the face of it but dear lord, the way he steam rolls everyone in his life is grating.

To quote the dumbest line in all of Dollhouse - Log off man.

The show has satisfying highs, but the lows and the odd manic characterizations at times do put a damper on it for me.

Goddamnit Brian get out of my head.

Its surprising that as a 30 year old man, I relate to Peggy so often. The unsure of your place in the big corporate monstrosity where you don't know whether to take the reigns or defer, whether you should speak your mind or fight the battle another day, the reluctance of home ownership…

I was turned off from Final Fantasy when I went over to one of my friends house and watched him try and catch a Cheese Chokabo(?). I was like, fuck this nonsense, If I want a farce I'll go home. And then I did.

Don isn't of the same mold as Walter or Jimmy in anti-hero.

It might be limiting but its a mode in which people are able to jump into the material and glean a deeper message, if there is one.

The less Brody the better

This is really what its all about - how people relate to music.

This doesn't reflect how a portion of humanity interacts with media - socially. If you watch shows with the intent of discussing them with other people, like say a book group would, it is a non starter if a segment insists on the self evident genius of something.