
Some of these modders show far more creativity, knowledge and interest in these projects than the original creators themselves and I really do think it would be nothing but profitable if the IP owners went to these people and said “hey we see what you are doing, we like it and we want in”. Nintendo in these cases (but

Last week saw the public release of Banjo Kazooie: The Jiggies of Time (if you love Banjo Kazooie you really do need to play this its definitely clear its a labour of love by someone who truly loves the games) rom hack and now this, really shows the interest in these kinds of older games and how popular they are. I

I played through the entire Japanese version on NicoNico back in mid October with the help of viewers since I only knew some Japanese but not enough to get all the references/slang/etc. No one said anything much less threatening to go after me with DMCA (or whatever their equivalent is) notices. Now that it is out in

I wouldnt go to this extent myself but I really do appreciate people who find ways to get new games running on... sub standard hardware. I cant take my gaming PC everywhere I go when I travel (and for work I do a lot of it) and for that I have a surface pro 3 and play using the intel HD graphics it has. I enjoy being

I have never pirated a game before as I prefer to support the companies and creators that put out this kind of stuff and have more than a suitable income to do so. I will say though that Rise of the Tomb Raider is something I am strongly considering as I have thus far refused to buy the game because I cant support

it only uses that as a metric to track completion data of certain patches(among other things such as specific minion/mount rewards) it also tracks within this and the last scrape of the lodestone any characters who have had any sort of changes (level, minions, mounts, change of class or job they were on or if they

And sites that scrape FFXIV’s lodestone put FFXIV’s latest subscriber numbers (well from april is the most recent ones I can find so perhaps this patch brought some back) closer to around 641k active subs (though that is debatable if that is accurate since only 263k based on achievements had cleared the 3.2 storyline)

Please stop... WoW has 5.5M ACTIVE subscribers FFXIV has 6.5M TOTAL accounts CREATED. They have never and likely will never release active subscription numbers. We also don’t know if that is even accounts created or characters created as they word it rather vaguely as “players” and I personally have around 25ish