
As long as the wealthy are sheltered from all. Yeah. It’s really disgusting!!

Ok. Healthcare. Government Paid Healthcare. Every nation on earth, with the exception of 2 small and extremely POOR countries has it. Why can’t we? I’d be happy to pay a little more in taxes to get this done. It would most likely be equivalent to or less than our co-pay at the doctors offices and again at the

Did ur parents pay for it? Or did ur school?

We had shop class in school. Does anyone remember shop class? There was metal shop, wood shop, auto shop. (Our auto shop teacher was also the driver’s ed instructor. Mr. Broncatellllo. (Not really sure of the spelling). But he actually got his own auto shop show, locally a few years ago.

No. We, the parents, have to pay for that now-to the time of over $100, which I really didn’t have to spare n had to borrow from my sister. That was only a few years ago when my youngest was still in high school. She’s 21 now. So, 4 years ago.

Yes, because with all of those taxes on the lower middle class and less to the rich, our school programs were shut down-one, after another because the schools were LESS funded. Enter the State Lottery. THAT was SUPPOSED to be kicked back to schools so things like sports programs and DECENT, NUTRITIONAL lunches would