

Very incomplete sentence from this commenter.

She’s just trollin’ us at this point, right?

The Trump childrens’ Instagrams offer decent insight to how they operate. Don Jr. is tasteless, focused on enforcing gender-norm stereotypes with his children (“my little man” and “daddy’s girl” are oft-used phrases), and creepily obsessed with his father’s opposition. Eric lacks personality or conviction. Tiffany

All three Trump kids put together have the collective IQ of an empty can of La Croix.

I thought it was Don Jr and Eric for whom the apple didn’t fall too far. Ivanka must be trying to get fired. Tiffany appears to be the sharpest tool in this shed. (Watch Barron be a genius and find a cure for cancer.)

Perhaps her tweet is the first bit of marketing for her fabulous #MeeeeeTOO! & #TimesUPP! collections.


Your time is up, dear.

Right? Really,the romance and surprise thing can still happen after you have talked about it, and decided together. My husband even asked that I show him the kind of ring I wanted, so Iknew exactly what was going to eventually be on my finger - and he still surprised the hell out of me when he proposed, because a) he

I recently had a younger coworker tell me he was proposing to his girlfriend so she would know he was serious about the relationship. I wanted to say, “ just tell her you see the relationship seriously and ask of she wants to get married!” They live a few hours apart and she’s just started her career whereas he works

Since she is the queen of making up entire stories about people who don’t even know who she is, I’m betting he didn’t need to do anything to get her going.

I see that a lot. I get the whole romance and surprise thing. But marriage is one of the most important decisions in your life, and if that is what you want, sit him/her down and have an adult conversation about it.* Can’t tell you how many people I’ve known who’ve waited months or years for him to ask, but were too

Because Lena Dunham is an attention whore with no boundaries or apparent need for privacy.

Yeaaaa the best marriages are built upon pushing and nagging. The more people hear it the stronger your bond will be.

I can’t tell if Jack intentionally led Lena on and messed with her head “as a joke” or everything was same old, same old, and she started reading more into things because of wishful thinking.

I don’t know why, but the way you said “that’s AGGRESSIVE aggressive” reminds me of one of my favorite lines from The Simpsons, when Bart joins a boy band but it turns out the boy band is really using subliminal messaging to get people to join the Navy. When Lisa confronts Bart’s manager, LT Smash (i.e. Lieutenant

When you’ve been dating 5 years and marriage is really important to you then walk away when that ring don’t come. Or you don’t have the balls to propose yourself. Especially, if you’re the feminist you claim to be. When you’re publicly begging your man for a ring, you’re DONE and it’s hard to respect the

Uh, that’s not passive aggressive. That’s AGGRESSIVE aggressive.