
I didn’t see the episode, but apparently Hota mentioned, on air, that Matt had texted her to congratulate her. That’s so tone deaf for so many reasons. It says she needed to mention that Lauer passed her the torch and that she needed to publicly tell the world that for validation. And the fact that he’s not completely

These creeps seem to still be laboring under the assumption that they can make a come after all the nasty wimminz settle down and stop being so mad at them. They’re still talking like everything is normal and they’re just having a temporary time out.

It seems like everyone accused of something pre-Weinstein gets a pass and everyone post gets exiled.

Yeah, I experimented with libertarianism in high school briefly, but quickly grew out of it when I noticed how my boobs and vagina were causing the free market to treat me differently...

People still work with Roman Polanski and Woody Allen. I would say Kevin has a shot at redemption.

Nailed it.

Yep. He thinks this will all blow over in a couple of years. And you know what? It might. Because the world is garbage.

I cannot imagine this is going to go over well with anyone but the religious sect of Trump’s base. First off, you have that species of Not A Republican that votes Republican but calls himself Libertarian so he can be cooler than his dad. He’s gonna be pissed off about this one. Rand Paul is his hero! What’s Rand gonna

I don’t understand why Sessions has such a beef against weed. Surely Keebler Elf realizes he can sell many more cookies when his customers are stoned.

Why hasn’t everyone at NBC blocked Lauer’s email and phone number? Does he think this is a temporary exile, and that after the storm blows over he’ll be welcomed back with open arms? I think (HOPE) we’ve grown beyond giving predators a pass after they’ve done their time out of the public eye.

Honestly, you can tell by the tone. I am still astonished by how easily they make a simple moniker for a people sound so insulting just by how they pronounce it.

Because their base is still his base, and if they piss off his base, they piss off their base.

There’s a wide margin between deaf ears and ears stuffed with printed out email forwards.

I can’t get past “5:00 o’clock.”

Every next year will be the worst year of our lives.

“I’m not anti-semitic, I’ve got one of them there Jews for a friend. Well, not a friend, but he works for me, and I let him come into my house and everything. Well, he doesn’t work for me personally, but for my son, but I talked to him once. Well, actually, he doesn’t work for my son, he worked for him years ago and I

Anybody who works at Twitter who wants to take the whole system offline at 4:59 on Monday?

I bet he’s pissed off about losing his judgeships, losing the election. Most of all? About how—despite Cheeto’s regime—the Sodomites, the “reds and browns,” and the other forces of Satan are continuing to win most of the battles in the war on decent White folks.

I still want daily updates on his life. I want to hear how fucking miserable he is every day. I want to hear how nobody returns his phone calls and he can’t buy stamps without decent people throwing batteries at him because the whole world now knows he tried to rape underage girls.

Fake news. Roy has no friends.