It was hyperbole - I know he’s not really banned. Just deeply, deeply unpopular (and rightly so).
It was hyperbole - I know he’s not really banned. Just deeply, deeply unpopular (and rightly so).
I assumed they were trying to monkey-fy him, counting on the iconic Shepard Fairey color scheme to indicate who it is.
“I hate him so much! If he didn’t have so much good blow, I would chew his fuckin’ ear off right here!”
Ted Cruz is a pathetic creature who’s apparently happy to suck up to the spawn of the guy who implied his dad assassinated JFK and insulted his wife.
WTF is up with the guy on the left?
If it is FAS, I can’t say I blame Ivana for drinking so while much being married to Trump.
“You will never be good enough”
I know this isn’t PC to say, but I’m pretty sure Don Jr. is retarded.
The top reply to any social media post by Don Jr. should simply be “Daddy will never love you.”
Don’t act like “gingy” or “ginger” is some sort of slur. It isn’t, and you know it.
He’ll also falsely say he was invited but chose to hold a rally in Oklahoma instead.
I am so excited for the pictures of Barry and George dancing and Michelle and Serena and Meghan whispering over champagne. Like, I legitimately can not wait for it.
I also like the idea that they’re two of the few people likely to be briefed on the parts of the Trump shitstorm we don’t know, who can gossip and talk about it without fear of leaks or causing a diplomatic crisis.
Trump is such a Prima Donna (Prima Donald?) that he’d probably expect to be in the carriage with the couple. And when he doesn’t get an invite, he’ll probably tweet some dumb shit about raising tariffs on British goods or something and set international trade back by decades.
Yeah, fuck those games, am I doing it right?
No lie, a large part of the reason I am excited for the wedding!
I am awaiting the Twitter shitstorm snit-fit when the Obamas are invited to the wedding and the Trumps are still banned from the UK. It’s gonna be glorious.