
Maybe somebody could focus on Putin Le Pen in Trump! Amirite? Who’s with me?

Why is anyone surprised to encounter a turd in the toilet?

I find this to be an unpopular opinion among my largely 35-50 year old friends, but goddam I love my e-reader and I don’t care who knows it. It has that nice e-ink thing so it looks just like a novel. I can carry a kajillion books in one tiny package. It remembers what page I was on. I needed a third book in a trilogy

I’m torn between my belief in freedom of expression and my sheer annoyance towards a certain type of vegan.

Kotaku pays people to write fan fiction? Fucking hell, where do I sign up?

Hana Yori Dango FTW!

*fangirls all over the place

I love Kdrama, so I am ALL about this. Happy to see Netflix dipping a toe into other culture’s entertainment scene.