
It is literally impossible to love her too much.

I love you, Bette Midler. I love you so much.

I have to say the most surprising thing I read in this whole article was the inflammatory “#SJW nonsense” used by Play Asia in their tweet. I won’t be buying from them again.

I wish I had a device that could harness the infinite power of Internet Nerd Rage.

Is there really that much demand for a “volley ball simulator” that’s more softcore porn than a video game?

At this point, he is. I wouldn’t put 300 among his better works myself, but that aside, most of the works you mention are decades old at this point. He’s also responsible for Holy Terror, All-Star Batman & Robin, DKSA, a terrible Robocop 2 comic, and a terrible movie based on the Spirit. The guy has spent the last

Where was I reading about pay transparancy earlier today?

Kind of off topic, but I was curious what the going pay rate was for a jezebel writer?

Emotional expectations for men are created by men. Emotional expectations for women are also created by men. Feminists are working on this, but if you want to see change, women aren’t the people you need to snark at.

Even in a “well armed” society, nobody would be allowed into a rock concert or soccer match with a weapon. So how would the majority of these deaths been prevented, Mr. Heston?

More likely that pistol accidentally kills one of your family members than the ISIS guy that blows himself up beside you. Statistically speaking. But, if it makes you feel better, then why not.

Agree with #1. Pretty sure that #2 kills more people than #1.

so my hate for conservatives is alright?

Don’t you know that invoking the “good guy with a gun” is a major Gawker no-no?

So wait, where are we. Do we hate JLaw now? Does that mean we can love Anne Hathaway again? There can only be one.

Read the Guardian’s nicely reported story. She paid with a credit card, they had already run her credit card, the hotel asked for her ID, they flipped their shit when they noticed that her ID still had her birth name and sex.

Oh jeez. So preditable: girl Jez crushed on massively must be broken down now!

If you’d bothered to read the story you would have noted that she gave her ID for a photocopy.