Plays With Squirrels

I really love how varied their career has been. I was listening to their podcast one day and my eight year old son saw the page on my computer and was wondering why I was looking at something with the bad guys from Mighty Med (a Disney Channel show). I didn't even know they were on a kid's show. I watched a couple

These characters weren't quite terrible enough for the show to be funny, like with It's Always Sunny. Nor were they nice enough for us to care about them as characters.

Josh Duggar tweeted one time something about how he respects Rick Santorum's relationship with Christ. But he prays for him because Catholic beliefs are wrong.

This is probably going to sound weird, but I very rarely start watching a TV show in the first season. My friends will watch things and recommend them to me, or I'll read a lot of positive reviews, then I'll have to play catch up in season two or three before I'm ready to talk live with someone. I don't know why, I

I agree with everything you said. The things that don't age well are mostly cosmetic - the effects, the clothes, the technology. But the story and dialogue remains really solid.

I introduced my now eight year old to Animaniacs last year. He liked it well enough, but the only parts he LOVED were Good Idea, Bad Idea and Wakko singing the state capitals. I think I liked rewatching them more than he liked watching them with me.

Same here. My four year old watches the theme song so often on You Tube, it's always in our history.

The worst thing my son ever discovered on Netflix was a cartoon based on the Leap Frog games. I made him cry by taking them off our queue and telling him that Netflix wasn't carrying them anymore. I can put up with a lot. I've watched Dora marathons. Both of my kids prefer Cars 2 to the first Cars movie and so I've