
I don’t have a candidate at the moment, but I think this is a great idea and am hoping this really takes off!

For her part, Van den Driessche says the bike belonged to a friend, and mistakenly found its way into her race-day bike lineup.

Apparently neither Paul nor Doug have had the rubber part of a wiper blade torn off due to being frozen to the windshield.

“My new spleen came from a guy who liked to motorcycle.” <vroom vroom!>

Hating things just because hipsters like them is the ultimate hipster move.


You know, I’ve always said the 1200 GS could use a little more weight.

Ace of Spades: still remember that being the best song from Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater n. (Circa 1999, my college roommate’s favorite game which soon became mine)

Excellent article. This is the exact info I wanted about next years moto gp season, rather than another Marquez/Rossi article. Keep it up Lanesplitter!

Unsurprisingly, she lost control of the truck and it crashed into a barn in the town of Limerick.

There’s no better way of testing safety gear than being towed by somebody not even wearing a helmet.

The first aftermarket purchase I make for every car I buy.

I’m happy that we live in a world with so many retro scramblers that we can be all blase about them. Remember, people, it wasn’t long ago that your options were 1) a slightly porky, slightly overpriced Triumph or 2) Go Fuck Yourself.

Don’t make Johnny 5 angry. You wouldn’t like him when he’s angry.

You’re all wrong. This still has my heart...

Not sure if a concept or not, but goddamn if I don’t love the overall Minimalist Cyberpunk style of the C-01.

that’s the way I remember it, one long string of words, like Finnegan’s Wake, all scrunched together. it’s art-lit, a word picture, multi-media and new-age.

I’ll say this about Lanesplitter; I asked an honest, albeit ignorant question, and got zero snark in response. Thanks for the education all, I do believe I like it here. :up: Rare to see such enthisiasm coupled with an honest desire to educate the rubes. Very rare. Starting to understand why y’all are such a closely