mrs oh'please

No no, I understood the factual details.

She’s 47 fucking years old. And looks every day of it. Bitch knows better.

White people know they are mediocre as fuck , especially when it comes to people of different backgrounds and ethnicities. Pissed off because you can’t understand what others are saying in their native tongue?

Seriously. Reading this thread, I’m wondering if I’m like a decade older than all these people. The initial controversy around Gardisal was not about sex. It was about how it was marketed and (supposedly, according to vaccine skeptics) then rushed through trials and caused side effects. 

This is an unexpected outcome. Who could possibly have predicted that when the most infamous man in the world brags about sexually assaulting many women, defends others who do so, and elevates one of them to the Supreme Court, low-level slimes like this guy would decide the restraints are off.

Actually, I remember the commercials for when Gardasil first came out in 07'/ 08'. It was very girl-power themed, with girls doing double dutch and chanting about not getting cervical cancer “O-N-E-L-E-S-S! I wanna be one less (one less!)

Besides the backward ridiculously-puritanical thinking that was putting some construct about virginity over their kid getting cancer...this also doesn’t make sense just because I doubt ANY 9-year old knows what type of vaccines they’re getting.

The only quibble I have with your post, was the lack of mention of the possibility/ likelihood that Trumpty-dumpty is a malignant narcissist, rather than simply a garden-variety narcissist😉

Yes, and they’re busy suffering and trying to hammer out a semblance of life so that when they come around to talking about the perpetrators (who have been living just fine), their lifestyles are so disproportionate that they’re always painted as desperate (and therefore ‘unreliable’)

I’m white. You would not believe the racist, sexist, homophobic shit I’ve heard while in liberal enclaves in Vermont. Then again, I’m sure you actually would.I think it’s “good” white people who wouldn’t believe it.

Ugh, woman.

Yes. And it tells you something about their past, I think. When I was in college I was at a friend’s co-op (think light hippie commune) where he lived with about 11 other people. Big house, shared labor, house meetings. One night one of his roommates brings a young woman home (two weeks after start of school—probably