mrs oh'please

Paging Dr. Ben Carson, you’ll now be working elbow to elbow with another racist this time in your department. You sold your soul to Trump but how long will your ego turn the other cheek? Wonder what his breaking point will be

Rant lol!

Well that’s good ole white privilege where white people can expect a fake sorry to excuse the knife they shoved in your back. And to also know that their peers will attack all those who don’t/won’t accept that fauxpology.

The only time that Amerikkkans like McConnell want to address the original sin of when they want to glorify their Civil War stories & confederate flags.

Probably not wording this right but here goes. When I hear negative comments from SOME black men about Sen. Kamala or Corey Booker or Obama it’s not seeming to be from the working class black men...but more the hip hop culture. It’s almost just an IG & Twitter status culture now that’s all copy cat & no authenticity.

Everyone (including myself) has to work through their own prejudices and pick a candidate that can defeat the incumbent.

Kashuv, now 18, apologized, saying: “We were 16-year-olds making idiotic comments, using callous and inflammatory language in an effort to be as extreme and shocking as possible.”

Laws protect the guilty too depending on who writes them.

Damn the man has gotten younger not that he ever looked his age in any of the other Temptation’s photos. I read his name & couldn’t spot him. Smh I thought the article had a mistake & posted somebody else’s pic instead. Keep living right Mr. Otis it’s showin’.

I know no one reading this will know the answer to my question but here goes...

Lol Long Rant...Don’t Read It

Says the same priests who rape robed choir boys, girls & nuns. Smh same bastards obsessed with controlling women’s bodies can’t/won’t control their own damn penises from raping.

All predators love positions of unquestioned power. Racists become cops to protect & serve white supremacy...& prey on those they feel threatened by. It’s the same scenario for bullies & perverts who hunt in schools & churches.

I was inspired by her to say, “Now is the time.” I think she’s consistently putting out the message that women don’t need to wait. Black women don’t need to wait, right? We don’t need approval or permission to lead communities that are ours.

Well racism is a business. And white America always protects itself & each other when it comes to racism. White privilege is a privilege that they can revoke or extend the same courtesy to nonwhites to even the playing field. The news broadcasts white privilege & continues to sell the good ole white American dream

Smh the same straight males who whine that women are too sensitive about being groped, harassed, catcalled & raped by them are the same punks who’s egos can’t handle lgbt catching their attention.

Personally I’m cool with the boycott because Hollywood could pick up & leave at anytime and Georgia couldn’t say anything. But I do believe that Hollywood could make a difference by creating new films & documentaries about racism...which racists will hate. If you think racists can’t stand for their beloved football

“It’s very serious,” Nelson said. “We need to hold her accountable for her actions and the implications thereof. […] I don’t want to diminish the significance of the pain and anguish that this causes in others.

Aww Shit! We all need to be worrying more than we were before. He’s going thru the change, messed up something we don’t know about yet or searching for a new Putin.

Speak the Ugly Truth!