So basically if there were no black & brown people in Amerikkka...the Trump supporters wouldn’t have voted for racism because it would’ve been useless to them.
So basically if there were no black & brown people in Amerikkka...the Trump supporters wouldn’t have voted for racism because it would’ve been useless to them.
Lol I’m not sorry but this story reminds of that scene from Porkie’s where Mrs. Ball-Breaker caught Tommy Turner’s penis peeping thru a hole in the women’s locker room & she grabbed it and wouldn’t let go until he broke free. Then she went to the principal’s office to report it & wanted them to identify that…
Definitely on topic! It’s a tactic of white supremacy to show that unloveable. This is apart of black ancestry too because colonizers didn’t even portray the slaves they stole as...families. I never really thought about it until now that in the those terms that even back then they wouldn’t acknowledge our…
Whitewashing of history 101:
There’s still a for “White’s Only” sign up in Amerikkka.
“Lives are literally changed, there’s a rebranding of humanity and it’s all ‘cause [of] this initiative.
The only people that could’ve stopped Trump from being elected...were the people who voted for him.
I’m not debating that this man is dangerous to society.
Beyond the party vote they cast how differently is a “kept” Democrat living from a greedy Republican....there’s not much difference.
Who would you be more mad at:
Social media & news outlets paint this man as Malicious VS Mentally Ill
Abortion vs Sterilization
The only way to defeat colorism Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself & Not to Make Your Neighbor Your Footstool.
For years after that I was convinced that we were inferior
Just praying for the day when nobody cares what’s Meghan’s daddy’s name.
Rant lol!
Canceling Kavanaugh is too risky for his supporters because it could open the flood gates to where sex offenders, molesters & rapists wouldn’t be allowed anywhere.
But how effective will decriminalizing prostitution be?
White Nationalists Starter Guide:
Man I thought that was some Stephen King shit.