Mr. S Muffin

Why does Jezebel hate black people?

a multimillionaire girl alleging sexual assault (after denying it occurred under oath 5 years earlier) to get out of a contract. LOL.

if someone is sticking to her story about abuse for year after year after year

You got some envy issues to work through there pal.

Isn’t it incumbent on our judicial system to actually validate the accusation? Particularly when there is a motive for lying (getting out of a contract)?

The all caps thing really brought your point home.

No, my point is that you have to allow for the possibility.

So your brilliant point is that it’s so harrowing to bring up an accusation of rape in a civil trial (not even that yet - she’s going for a frigging injunction) that the mere thought of it is enough of a deterrent that it’ll never happen?

Go fuck yourself.

Your argument: “I know very few women, if any, would provide fake reports of rape...” - thus, we just need to listen to the accuser and blow off any rights for the accused - the person making an allegation would never lie.

Can I come visit you at Fantasy Land?

It seems you’d like to shift the goalposts and claim your initial argument referred to civil suits and not criminal cases. Sure, though I suggest you read up a bit on criminal procedure vs. civil procedure.

I’m in about 100 contracts right now - by your logic I can declare that I “feel unsafe” and that’s all I need to get out. Not the way it works - if it did work that way no one would bother w/ contracts they’d be worthless.

I just googled that, I see no reference to them being let out of their contract. I see them alleging abuse after the fact only. That said, it doesn’t matter either way (if they got it out it’s because the producer made the choice to let them out - his choice).

it is ridiculous to presume that women would adopt false rape allegations as a means to rid themselves of unwanted contracts.

Am I reading your point correctly - that, since reporting sexual assault is such a brutal process for women that we, as a society, should change the rules of innocent until proven guilty when a women is a party to the alleged act?

Serious Question: If I’m a female, and I’m in a contract I want to get out of, why not just scream sexual assault?