
My mom got me a set of those for Christmas last year (at my request). She says the good ones come from the restaurant supply store.

I suppose it would make a good breakfast, but it's a dinner in our house.

In my house we have a variant of this we call Huevos Grad Student. It's "Mexican" rice (replace 25% of cooking water with salsa), black beans, and scrambled egg topped with American cheese, salsa, and sour cream. Even when we aren't broke my husband occasionally requests it :)

This is "Japanese present wrapping". I found learning how to wrap boxes both ways led me to being able to wrap odd shaped packages much more neatly and efficiently. More tools in the tool bag. I will always be proud of the truncated pyramid I wrapped. It was a thing of beauty. Of course, I'm a bit OCD about gift

But the lactobacilli in yogurt is not the right breed. You need ones that make hydrogen peroxide. Those would make yogurt taste nasty (nastier. I hate yogurt).

The best "woman's health practitioner" I've ever had was a NP! But now I've moved and I have to find someone new :'(…
You can buy probiotics that contain the types of lactobacilli that produce hydrogen peroxide and protect you from yeast infections and BV; look for L. acidophilus, L. crispatus, and L. delbrueckii delbrueckii.

I posted most of this as it's own thread, but since you sound frustrated (and itchy!) and I'm still in the grays, I wanted to send this directly to you in case it helps...

I had the yeast-BV cycle problem for about a year once. After a few cycles my doctor's solution was "kill everything!!!" (ie diflucan and antibiotics at the same time). She then, a few weeks later, did a smear and we looked at my vag-goo under a microscope (she let me look too). I saw the problem right away, no

Have you tried the Paper Bag Princess? I loved that one as a girl.

"Ladies of negotiable affection" is from Terry Pratchett's Diskworld books (not sure which one(s))

My dog, as a puppy, went to dog school and we did this exercise with them. Funny outcome for us was that my dog learned to show off! If it was just her and me (at home or in the class): "I do what I want!" But if the teacher or her classmates were watching she was top of the class, prompt and perfect every time. She

Sounds like I should start calling my "chicken jello" "bone broth" and selling it :-P

Commenters keep saying that, but (sincere question) how much gelatin are we talking about for "bone broth" vs "stock"? Specifically, how firm does this bone broth get when it is refrigerated? Jell-O? Bouncy ball?

It's still good lumpy.

ever try a buzz cut and conditioner? I find 1/8" to be the best guard. Quite short, but long enough to not be sand paper stubble.

Landsend sells miniskirt bikini bottoms. They are just the thing now that the 70s are gone for those of us with a furry kitty. I'm 28 so you're not alone!