Try this, it kept my 36H boobies out of trouble for my wedding and a few rounds of bridesmaid-ing.
Try this, it kept my 36H boobies out of trouble for my wedding and a few rounds of bridesmaid-ing.
My husband is about Comey sized, his hands really aren’t bigger than any other guy’s. Actually he and I both wear an 8.5 wedding ring. (As for other implications...I’ll just say I am very happily married ;) )
Careful, lactose free milk is much sweeter tasting than normal milk.
We did it. “No. Sorry, not driving the baby all over everywhere. You know where we live, feel free to come up.” We do visit each side in December, but Christmas day is in the Lizard house. There was a moderate amount of wail and flail, but whatever I’m a mom I’m used to it.
I think this theory has merit. I can see visiting my child-free bff in the hospital and trying to show her pictures of my tot dressed up as Yoda. Because it’s cute and funny and I’m trying to take her mind off how miserable and scared she must be. I’d want to know if I was doing the exact opposite of what she needed…
No. Plenty of Christians think dead babies go to hell. (Or maybe just my in-laws’ church.) They don’t talk about it like that, but they don’t believe you can go to heaven until you (are old enough to) CHOOSE to be saved / love Jesus. The church Mr Lizard grew up in didn’t allow a kid to be baptized/saved until 8ish.
Yeah...I live in SC...he has a thing about stupid socks. Especially at Christmas, it’s the main thing he FBs about.
Sounds like us. We spent about 2wks looking and I think we sat in like 10-15 different vehicles.
I am a lazy ass who had a baby almost two years ago and recovered quite well (tho allergy season is now panty liner season :/ ), I think Butter-wrapped sueade is on to something with taking it easy during recovery. I remember even just climbing the stairs in my two-story house more than just one round trip per day…
I suppose...but we have to stake our ground somewhere, right?
This is what I’ve been saying. They hang on for 15-18m until summer 2018, then the house throws Trump under the bus to try and save their own skins in the midterm. Then the senate times their part so that the impeachment finishes up in time to swear in Pence in January 2019 so he can run for reelection twice.
No, he got 100% of the vote because the Democrats couldn’t be bothered to rustle up someone to run against him. I litterally live one district over (and about a 15min drive) from this guy. When I voted last month NONE of the state-level races had democrats to vote for and I live in the “biggest” city in the county…
I don’t know about “lumped together”. What I took from reading the actual blog post is that the result is kinda “no shit”: fat women who feel GOOD about their fat selves (chose “curvy” instead of “overweight” or “a little extra”) have more self confidence than slim women who feel BAD about their slim selves (chose…
This is the text that matches the chart BabyGotFront posted
“Remember, the women themselves select their body-descriptions; the bubbles show the size of each group. Though many of the words are just a shade of meaning apart, there are dramatic differences in the traits of the people who choose them. Go through the…
I think the involving other people bit is a little odd, but not the celebrating. My husband and I celebrated Mother’s and Father’s days when I was gestating. I got a maternity shirt that said “pregzilla” on it and a box of chocolates. He got a “Dad” coffee cup I made on shutterfly and a little baby onesie that said…
If it makes you feel any better about the state of humanity...
To be fair, Labs as a breed are very prone to getting fat. I imagine something like 90% of adult labs are at least a little chubby. So I’m really not surprised you’re pup looks “too thin” to lots of people.
I’m surprised he’s not your ex.
It’s not blood, it’s steak juice. The color comes from myoglobin, a protein. If it freaks you out, soak it up with a roll and give it to me :)
I want to tell a story that I think fits with this thread :)