Jocky makes shorts that are like spanx without the compression. Saw the add in a Cosmo and bought some at Belks, $20 well spent.
Jocky makes shorts that are like spanx without the compression. Saw the add in a Cosmo and bought some at Belks, $20 well spent.
Jocky makes shorts that are like spanx without the compression. Saw the add in a Cosmo and bought some at Belks, $20 well spent.
We're trying for a baby now and, honestly, I'm more worried about what will happen when my (hypothetical) son starts having sex than my (hypothetical) daughter. Which is backwards of our cultural narrative about purity/sex. A son messes up and he has to deal with the consequences of his girlfriend's decision…
You're not a moron for using the right method for you and your partner. My husband and I use pull and pray quite happily (I'm a fellow no hormones kinda girl)
I will concede that it has the largest difference between perfect and typical use effectiveness. But, as you said, all birth control methods can be messed up. The only major difference is that with pull and pray it's a matter of the guy's skill instead of the girl's skill/memory. And there's a lot to know, but it…
I think DD sugars their coffee by default. I take mine with lots of cream and no sugar. I have found at DD I have to say "...cream and NO sugar"; saying "...with cream" gets me cream and sugar (and like "oh gods I feel Wilford Brimley coming for me" amounts of sugar at that)
I am rarely amazed, but often dismayed at the the condition of sex ed in this country. Hence my total agreement that paraguard is a great option if hormones and pregnancy are both total no-goes. Part of the reason I wanted to make a point about pull and pray is that I think it gets a worse rap than it deserves; it…
I think you should talk about it. Find my comment in another thread about what BC did to me, she may not even know if she's being made sick. However, I would recommend against you suggesting an IUD out of the gate. I think if you want her to try quitting hormonal BC you should offer to take 100% responsibility for…
You may be on to something.
We'll tell my husband it's definitely a big dick problem ;P
It's a skill that the guy has to learn, and I'm not sure it's one that teenaged boys can learn. So I understand why young people are told not to rely on that.
Try Sam's? I live in SC and those are the Kroger prices when not on sale, but Sam's routinely has 5lbs for $3/lb for both 80/20 and 90/10
Since someone called my first softcup comment a PSA I'll add this here:
That's a great option if you hate condoms, but aren't ok with the 4% pregnancy risk (I understand that paraguard is the best protection... just as good or even better than tubal ligation, but totally reversible). At the time we knew we would be trying for a baby in the next 12-24months, so it didn't seem worth the…
I guess it just depends on how your parts fit together
Me too on the no hormonal BC. If ya'll hate the condoms (and can handle a small increase in pregnancy risk), he can learn how to "pull-and-pray". It's 96% effective once he learns how (condoms are 98%).
FWIW, the softcups do not disturb the natural lubrication down there the way tampons do.
Ever try a softcup? You can have sex while wearing them, and unless he flips the cup (which can happen, and if you've had that cup in for a few hours can be pretty gory) there is zero evidence you're having period sex.
Have you looked at Panache, HotMilk, or Royce?