
Gracious, wise, composed, committed - she gave a wonderful heartfelt speech and I hope it resonates with everyone especially those who did not vote or threw their vote away. I had a tearful time this morning and I’m not even American.

In these cases one has two choices - try to make the press your friend or don’t... at which point they become your enemy.

I remember the Queen spoke up when Dianna came on the scene - asked the press politely to please back off .... to little avail

Exactly. One would have thought the press might take a pause - considering how Harry’s mother was (almost literally) hounded to death. But no....its all grist for the mill. Super grist in this case.

Counterpoint to #1 - these women lose weight because they are instructed to by whomever employs them - modelling agency, casting director. And from this flows the fame and big dollars which is the endgame.

Apparently it is very very difficult work being a model and you have to train very very hard to achieve success in this most important of arenas.

HATS! She’s the new Pharrell. Also... I approve this message.

Right? How would you know who to “suppress”? I don’t know how the guy ahead of me is going to vote - neither do I know who the woman behind is going to vote for. Its a SECRET ballot.


An old white guy on the weekend was yelling at me that the Clintons were criminals - they basically stole money from contributors to the Foundation and are living the dream on their ill gotten gains. He also told me he doesn’t actually read anything - not novels, magazines, non fiction NOTHING - but he is absolutely

Yup - he’s still trying to save his ass. What will the King of the Cheetos have to say about this latest development.

I have thought since the beginning of this whole debacle is that if I were living in any of the towns or cities where there was a Trump rally I would probably go just to see the orange poutine asshat live and in action - to also get a feeling for who his supporters were ..... how many folks were there just to rubber

There was an interesting round table on CNN this morning - journalists were asked to look back and comment on how they could have done a better job. And the conlusion seemed to run along the lines of “we should have called Trump out on his lies with more force and earlier on instead of trying to look impartial by not

And that’s why Trump has been so successful with so many - he plays to their fears - sometimes they don’t even know what they are afraid of until he paints a picture for them - loss of job, loss of status (to women or immigrants or immigrant women), loss of gun etc..... then on to evil banks, evil corporations, evil

That would be worth watching

That’s the one

Its like Jackie and Ari Onassis from decades past - he’s got some dough, he’s going to let her spend it and for her part she doesn’t actually have to have sex with the guy (except for his little scion - and who knows, that could have been done in the lab) but must pretend publicly that she does .... have sex with him

Anyone who is currently saying that they don’t know yet who they are voting for is just FULL of IT

You should take a look at the Enquirer’s front page currently - they have thrown as much shit on Clinton as they can possibly come up with - I didn’t look inside (waiting to check out my groceries) but the cover was enough to give you all the info you needed regarding who the Enquirer is shilling for.

She is on my growing list of actors who are also asshats and I will not support them by viewing any of their work - this now includes Tom Cruise and Mel Gibson.