And she is just downright annoying as hell
And she is just downright annoying as hell
Some “deal” for the victim
So I am guessing that Oklahoma is all about Trump then?
How do you get a suspended sentence after copping to rape?
I LOATH Oprah’s annual Festival of Greed. I just cannot with her, and this is a big part of the reason why.
They share certain qualities. They are both tall. They are both attractive (I would say Melania has had a lot of work done to get that way). They both dress well. They are both generally composed and poised in public. However when it comes to intelligence and intellect, there is no comparison to be made. Melania…
My sister was senior city director for a mayor who was like Trump - a rich business man buffoon. She would be asked to craft these major position papers knowing that he would never read them. She said to me (more than once) “if it doesn’t fit on the front of a tee shirt, he ain’t going to read it”
I laugh when she continues to say that the reason she has been MIA is because she is busy raising Mr. Tiny Trump. Please. I’m sure most women are perfectly capable of doing both.
We do train foreign medical students - but they pay full freight. Which is a very significant boost to the government coffers.
Possibly - but your MDs wouldn’t like it - practioners in Canada don’t make anything close to what doctors in the states do. They are salary capped. Don’t get me wrong, they still make a decent living but not what specialists in the states do. There has been a hue and cry for years that we train physicians…
Only from the perspective that high maintenance seems to be only applied to woman - by men or other women. Just another judgement with a negative connotation. My daughter has experienced this label quite a bit because she is very confident and precise about her work and her life in general. She pursues what she…
Is minger nastier than slut - I remember my niece using that one after a couple of years in Scotland. I used “bogged off” for quite a while when I was younger until an Englishman told me it wasn’t very “ladylike”
That’s interesting ......
Women can be such bitches.... to each other. Not manly men - they just punch each other, then go have a beer.
There is lots of precedence for this claptrap. Ever read about the founding of the Mormon church? Or the start of chiropractic “medicine” - or that dude Moses coming down the mountain with God’s rules inscribed on stone tablets? There’s a sucker born every minute... maybe every second.
That would definitely be in the running ....
I assume that only straight guys would find that insulting? Would this be offensive to gay guys or would they just nod their heads
I would have to agree - she sounds like english is her second language - maybe the Russian ex? Still more coherent than Malania
Yikes - had not heard usage before. Do women call other women that or is it exclusively used by men against women - sort of in the league of “high maintenance” but worse