
It’s not just aword”. It’s not like she called someone an asshole and got dumped on the sidewalk for it. If you can’t understand that that’s on you.

The only thing your post has accomplished is to make more people want to hit someone for saying stupid shit.

So basically your point is that violence is bad? Have you ever like, idk, met a person? As in a meat sack primarily motivated by emotions first, logic second? This lady is a racist piece of garbage, who willingly said a word that she knows the awful history of, in front of a group of people who are directly affected

You had me at ”...the semen-hued thespian,” Michael.
Me, and my last gasps for breath.

But seriously, when was the last time he was a relevant actor? Cop Land? That was 20 years ago...

I think you misunderstand what Danielle is saying. She’s NOT saying white people should stop being outraged and should stop protesting. She’s saying white people should stop automatically saying, “But, I’m one of the good guys.” Because that statement changes the focus to you.

Throwing allies under the bus

Indeed. I’m already getting folks/trolls pointing out that a woman, who happened to be white, died even though I repeatedly pointed out that a woman died at the hands/vehicle of a terrorist in the damn post. And that this should be the focus. Not folks’ tiny feelings about being “good.” Clearly, I’m not talking about

I read this with the appropriate F you, MF’r, Asshat and other words so you didn’t have to include them.

As an Indianapolis resident, I can report that there are quite a few big dicks flopping around town right now. (Walks past Peter King and Mike Florio waiting in line for brunch.)