
Long, long history of that in Hollywood. Huge numbers of actors had to change their names to get famous, both for racist reason (their name was very “ethnic” and Hollywood hates that) or because their name was hard to pronounce. For example, for Jews, you’ve got Marilyn Monroe = Norma Jean Mortensen, Kirk Douglas =

And, more importantly, they change their plays based on their own players strengths. Garoppolo and Brisset ran different offenses than Brady. Because their coaches aren’t idiots.

Good point. you should really put your life savings, house deed, car title, and firstborn child on the table that Keith Wenning is the next Tom Brady.

Yes. That GM literally just said “I don’t want the more talented player, give me the worse guy.”

It think the “fits our system” bit is rich as hell. How many NFL teams have an offensive system worth keeping over the available talent? The Pats and maybe the Chiefs? I mean, thank god the Texans didn’t risk changing their super efficient offensive system to improve over Tom Savage.

“Let’s face it, while Lebron is a fantastic player, I’d argue the GOAT, he has massively underachieved in his Cleveland portion of his career.”

We’ve found Dan Gilbert’s Kinja account.

Whoa, you assume that someone has to look up dichotomy to be able to use it in a sentence? Or was that just you projecting?

You sound full of shit. The second that someone challenged you you went straight Breitbart with social warriors and the statue reference. This is like anecdotal mentions of black Trump voters making Trump not racist.

“You have to admit, that’s a really sturdily built cross burning on the lawn.”

Right, exactly. Who can forget that South Bend was once a part of Ireland, and that we slaughtered the Irish who’d lived there since before recorded history? And that we forced the few survivors to live on reservations while we grew rich off the fat of their land?

Trump’s base isn’t voting for a Jew to be President or VP.

I look more harshly at someone who would steal from someone who has already been a victim of the storm. The reason their house is empty is because they are stuck in a shelter somewhere. This is what they mean when they say they’re going to crack down extra hard on looters. The police chief has been pretty specific

“I’m all for freedom of speech, but these black guys are speaking in a way that makes me feel bad and guilty, and I don’t like feeling like that. Easiest solution is to shame them for speaking out.”

Can confirm.

Those movies are all above average, actually.

If you have zero interest in any of those movies, you have bad taste in movies.

This screed is ten times better when read in Peggy Hill’s voice.

All my dyslexics live in Texas.

this....this is a better synopsis of why we suck than anything you could have written drew. nothing against you, but this lady takes the cake.