Is that just a gratuitous Seinfeld reference, or is my post too obscure?
Is that just a gratuitous Seinfeld reference, or is my post too obscure?
“The only thing on a resume worse than impeachment,” Trump added, “is a big C.”
And ripped the fork, knife, and novelty bib from their possession.
Talk to the hand cuz the face is a senile sack of crap.
And yet the right is still going to use it to criticize her, because she didn’t passionately denounce the looming threat of infant consumption.
I feel like I’m just shouting into the void, but it doesn’t fucking matter if there was a quid pro quo, he was soliciting something of value from a foreign government to help with the election. That’s illegal in itself. Including a quid pro quo would make it more egregious, but it’s still fucking impeachable without…
Even allowing for the gender double-standard that Wohl articulated which surely exists within the dimmer segment of our society, I still cannot get over that these two dipshits think carrying on an extramarital affair would be career-ending in the era of Trump.
“Why the hell won’t somebody make that slob take a bath?” asks degenerate covered in decades of his own feces and filth.
So the conspiracy hinges on this black book, and when it turns out that it doesn’t exist, you still believe the conspiracy?!?!?
I think you can be anti-violence and still want to see Trump get his ass kicked.
And I look for a distinct lack of ovaries!
The media are? Fuck that sounds even weirder.
I can’t believe this pussy-grabbin’ pussy tried to sneak tough in there, when all he fucking does the live-long day is whine about what big meanies the media is.
All of this is just more distraction, as clearly the more notable crimes here are Adam Schiff having a thin neck and Nancy Pelosi being a woman.
You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart? The propagandists and the lying, we used to handle it a little differently than we do now.
Dryheave more, I suppose.
I dryheave thinking about how horrific they might look without cosmetic intervention.
What, you thought Benedict Arnold was serious?
I applaud you for somehow finding an image for the header with his big mouth closed.