
“Let’s name our baby after that actress who fucked the president.”

They mentioned it when they took a trip to Armenia, I believe - among other times.

They have visited Armenia, spoken often of the genocide, wrote an open letter to genocide deniers and helped promote a movie about the genocide. A super lazy google search will shows this.

They’ll never turn on him because they more or less agree with him. I mean he’s crass as heck and is obviously a moron, but the white supremacy and immiseration of the poor and savaging of the environment (and everything else) are all pretty standard fare for the modern GOP. And their voters are even worse, somehow.

Who’s the boss, Donny? Them?

Be a man, Donny! You can’t have these little men tell you what to do, Donny! You pay them! You go right on in that interview and clear things up for Mueller! You’re the only one who can! It’ll be fine. Believe me.

I want to be excited for all the yummy perjury but I can’t be because I’ve lost all hope that this Congress will get off its ass to do anything about it. But like... I am 100% sure that he will lie about something that he and his lackey can’t spin, which is definitively and objectively false.

Right heads up everyone, there’s at least one troll account pretending to be me and there’s a troll account pretending to be Marx too. Be careful as it may mean Jorni’s back again.

BTW that “Polanski and Allen” comment isn’t me, it’s a troll pretending to be me.

He didn’t rape a 13-year-old. It was statutory rape...he had sex with a minor. That’s not rape. To me, when you use the word rape, you’re talking about violent, throwing them down—it’s like one of the most violent crimes in the world. You can’t throw the word rape around. It’s like throwing the word ‘racist’ around.

I agree with Kevin. Congrats to the Eagles. I’m not a fan. I’m just glad the Patriots lost!

To be very fair, this man is very spot on in one regard: it’s taking far too long to create a vaccine for herpes. There have been countless trials that get oh-so-close, and then are shot down in the last running of a trial. The effect on people is traumatic, including suicides and total self-isolation, and huge public

But a monster without herpes.

I don’t get the hate; if it works, it works. If it doesn’t, he’s only hurting himself. Someone in the comments compared him to anti-vaxxers (extremes opposite each other), but like I said, he’s doing this to himself, as is his right; anti-vaxxers are endangering everyone else.

Doesn’t “cold sore” typically refer to HSV-1 instead?

As someone whose dad died when I was pretty young, let me be first to say that the incessant, non-stop, overwhelming This is Us ads with the dad dying are bananas. I was watching The Good Place on Hulu and every commercial break was like “THE DAD DIES SO HARD Y’ALL, FIND OUT HOW HARD AFTER THE SUPER BOWL.”

It would literally mean and achieve nothing of consequence. The divorce would be spun into a positive. She was holding him back. She was a filthy foreign immigrant who was just eye candy. She DID LESBIAN PORN FOR CHRIST SAKES. Trump was just being a good man to her and did everything to make her happy and keep the

The impression I’ve gotten from the articles I’ve read sounds like there’s an iron clad pre-nup that says if she divorces him, she walks away with nothing, not even her son.

I do too, but I’m withholding any shred of give-a-fuck until and unless it actually happens.

I want her to divorce him while in office; cable news would go insane.