
Would anyone here let their children go into acting, particularly film acting, knowing what we all now know?

I’m looking forward to this bringing down Tarantino. Overrated hack

I like where your head is at

in a circular formation with their body parts interlocked

In a tweet, 33-year-old Khloe Kardashian praised her 37-year-old sister, writing, “Between her pictures and her clap backs.... I’m just living for it all. Confidence looks great on you Keeks.” The thing is, I’m not sure any of that behavior meets the definition of confidence.

Eh, I don’t care what she thinks.

I think this is a little different. Lena knew that guy for 4 years (ish) Diane has know Woody for 40. I can imagine that its hard to accept that someone you’ve known for decades isn’t who you thought he was. Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt. Seems like Diane is holding tight to her delusion.

I spoke at my wedding to my late husband, and if I do say so myself, it was pretty damned funny. It was all the funnier because my husband, who was known for being a funny guy, made the world’s longest speech to which his son said “dad, that was so bad it was actually funny”.

Uh.....there are plenty of beauty products targeted only at the African American community. Yes, even brushes and combs.

So white people are biying biying afro combs, and picks, and s curl and shea butter and just for me perm kits?

Products aren’t “Black” even if mostly black people use them. 

I mean, that realization of his took way too long and nearly cost him his family, but better late than never, I guess.

This should be a class action suit.

I think deep down Trump knows he hasn’t done shit, but his insecure man baby ass is incapable of processing it, and so taking credit for shit he hasn’t done is the only way he can cope with not being worth a fuck.

Look at Jay. Look at the wonders of therapy and self-reflection.

Trump really is like a stupid version of Nixon.

Ummm, why is everyone feeding the trolls? That’s bad business.

That is not a relationship, that’s a job and a terrible one at that.

I’m curious why she stayed if he was such an awful husband. Surely she could have found a happier existence through divorce and plenty of NBC cash. It can’t have been fun to have an estranged husband that you make social appearances with a plastered smile for. The rich are so odd sometimes.

JT can fuck off, I bet it’s actually really fun to play in vegas. Plus it provides regular income and a stable location and schedule for her kids.