Now playing

I knoooooow. Ashton Kutcher, someone who I struggle to like, is heavily involved with this org too...he spoke to congress and I have to say it was also pretty fucking great:

There was no independent artist. They were lying to save their asses. One of their own companies had already purchased this same style from her, and tried to reorder them at a much lower price, which she declined to do. The three companies are intertwined and all know what the other branches are carrying. But you are

Bullshit, Anthropologie! Pay the woman what you owe!

They owe her an anthroapology.

This is one of the most honest, heartbreaking, most impressive celebrity speeches I’ve ever heard.

Now playing

I’m a Blake fan since learning about her work with the Child Reacue Coalition and seeing this speech she gave. Disturbing material but so important. *Edited to emphasize there are descriptions of child abuse in the videos*

Joe Scarborough. That Guy in every women’s studies class who has to interrupt and say some version of, “If more women used birth control, the abortion rate would go down!” over and over again.

Literally was just saying to my GF last night that Chris Evans dating Jenny Slate made him the #1 Chris, above Hemsworth (#2, just fine, also Thor: Ragnarok was fantastic), EDIT Pine (#3, just... you know, totally a person who is there), and Pratt (#4, as while Andy is great, he’s not).

The only way I see it being helpful, in the case of Louis C.K., Charlie Rose and Matt Lauer, is that they are somewhat undercutting the hordes of men out there who think all these stories are false and no big deal. They aren’t outright confessing to specific incidents, but they are saying “I did a bad thing and it is

But wait wait, you haven’t heard my long winded justification, by the end you will see it was really her fault all along!

I’d like to point out that a lot of this is happening on the left, because we believe women on the left (at least sometimes now), while this isn’t happening as much on the right, because the right still doesn’t believe women.

I’m sure in addition to being more self serving, his version is also much longer, more boring and folksier.

Please not Colbert, indeed. He and Obama would destroy me. And maybe Mr. Rogers.

“It’s been a gropey week here in Lake Wobegon...”

Right and not to further politicize it all but I plan to refute this point with the fact that liberals are clearly the only ones holding their constituents accountable. The difference in this respect, is that conservatives are still giving their disgusting leaders passes. Shame on all of them.

I wish all the idiots whining on Twitter were reading the stories. It seems clear that NBC has known Lauer was a skeezebag for years and was ignoring it. Now the tide has turned and it’s no longer good for their bottom line to keep him on so they’re dumping him. Be mad at NBC because they tacitly approved of this shit


Shout-out to Ann Curry!!! I hope you are celebrating wherever you are, hon.

Do not respond to the not even very good troll(s) in the greys. Dude, if you want to be a good troll you have to be more subtle than that jeez.