
Her body’s had enough....hey, hang on...

Yeah but you just think she’d be sick of that same old love.

Yeah child stars end up with a ton of resources but the lack of structure and dealing with the volume of attention from the public seems to psychologically/emotionally damage them.

But the heart wants what it wants...

Good one, Nana!

On board with all of this. I don’t get the purpose of this post, especially if the last paragraph is true. If the author believes that he’s sincere, this seems like a corny post for no real purpose.

...and then folks on sister sites like Jezebel and Splinter wonder why people like Louis CK’s victims wouldn’t go on the record with them and took their stories to the New York Times instead. Look how Deadspin treats what looks to me like a decently mundane e-mail exchange.; They publish the e-mails and use it as an

And the point of sharing this was...?

I’m confused. Are we putting Nev on blast just for accidentally letting slip that he’s not a fan of the site?

I dōn’t sēē whāt thē prōblēm īs?

I was one of those people a few years back. I didn’t want to believe that the blind items were about him. “I like you, I think you’re funny. Can’t you just be a good dude?” Apparently not.

This is horrifying, but it’s odd that she was tired enough to fall asleep someplace that uncomfortable, and I wonder if the boyfriend’s enablement went so far as to intoxicate her with alcohol or drugs.

Ed Westwick once stole my glasses at a party then forcibly “kissed” me as “payment.” I told him to fuck off and asked for my glasses back. Pretty sure homie was coked out of his mind and kept slipping the DJ (my boyfriend at the time) money to play “his requests.” DOUCHE.

“This is difficult for many men to accept”—I think that’s a major part of men’s denial and stonewalling. The volume and severity of sexual assault and harassment, particularly of women, strains the limits of comprehension even for me, a woman who has been through it myself. I’m not saying that men get a pass for not

Exactly. Farrow, the guy who just took down Harvey Weinstein, published an article years ago about his sister’s alleged abuse at the hands of Woody Allen and nothing is being done.

When I was in high school I met Leo through lots of mutual friends. He was in my car one night as we were on our way to a party, and he asked his friend, “Do you know what I want to do tonight? I want to FUCK!” And his friend tried to shush him and said, “Now, don’t say that; I respect girls!” And Leo flatly

I’ve accused him of being an overrated actor who is so insecure that he’s terrified of dating women his own age. pretty fucking cool. Raising awareness in any venue at any time IMO is welcome.

Yes. Being invested in that particular distinction — “they’re very different!” — is not a good look on anyone.