
Getting lost at sea is literally one of my worst nightmares. That and getting stranded in space.

Yeah, again, I doubt he thought it would come back as white as he sent it out. But it did look kinda gross in the pics (not sure if it was washed and stained, or if it was totally unwashed on return). Though, based on this designer’s response, it seems he’s pretty unfamiliar with how all of this works in general.

That level of makeup is par for the course in shoots like that though. It’s kinda crazy to assume otherwise. I don’t know if they had a contract re: crediting the designer, but they really should’ve. Send an invoice for damage and be done.

Also, he allowed them to put a very white bikini on a body that he had to know was going to be covered in makeup and glitter and lord knows what else. What did he think was going to happen to it? Did he really expect to get it back perfectly white? If he didn’t want to give it to them for the advertising he’d get from

THANK YOU. This is really poor form on the part of the designer, and I hope Ciroc steps in and calls him out on this. There’s no way he actually believes that Ashanti herself was going to finish up the shoot and then be sent over to the sink with the bikini and a bottle of Woolite, and then pack everything up and take

Yeah! I thought maybe I’m missing something. Maybe it was a special request from Ashanti herself or something. Otherwise, if anyone should get called out publicly it should be Diddy or whatever he goes by these days.

Re: the bikini: The designer should be take this up with the Ciroc team, or the ad/production agency who owned the shoot. Just send them an invoice (and, lesson learned, don’t lend clothing for paid ad campaigns—they should buy that shit!). Ashanti didn’t pull the bikini for personal use or even one of her own

Wasn’t he a raging, screaming asshole on the set, too? There was a recording of him losing his mind at a set assistant (though he’s also a “method actor,” the excuse he used at the time). Steroids could def help explain that. And also being an asshole.

Oh god nooo. He’s always been at the top of my celebrity crush list and I had no idea. Ughhhhhhhh.

The crazy way they react when you bluntly call them on their bullshit often ends up just making things worse.

Men get so uncomfortable when women don’t laugh or smile back at their stupid comments, like it’s our fault for not “getting it.”

When did this whole ‘telling women to smile’ bullshit start? “Hey, smile!!!” WTF, strange and creepy man, fuck off and mind your own fucking business.

“I’m still learning that I don’t have to smile when a man makes me uncomfortable”

This Comedy Central ad is AWFUL please stop running it it’s so obnoxious/disruptive - it won’t let you scroll past.

I can never seem to figure out which of them I dislike more. Mike Pence is so Anti-Gay, you just know he’s had a dick in his mouth at some point in his life.

Or on purpose.

Mike Pence probably won’t accidentally start a nuclear war with North Korea.

And after thousands of people are dead and the killing tapers off, we’ll all read long-form pieces in The New Yorker about this, Netflix will produce a documentary on it, and a movie about it will win an oscar and everyone will say “Never again...”

The only part about all of this I find even remotely surprising is that Weinstein clearly thinks that he’s on track for a comeback.