
That’s exactly what I was thinking.

Who are these people?

I’m still waiting on my apology from Ben Affleck for taking the role of Batman.

Thank you! While I mostly agree with Jezebel I thought the article implying she was a talentless trophy wife was uncalled for, while Marchesa indeed profit from her marriage to him, that in no way denies her and her business partner’s talent and hard work. At this point no one really knows how much of it she knew if

Thank you. This hasn’t been said enough.

Totally. If she stood by him, no one would ever wear Marchesa again on the red carpet.

you are deeply ignorant and thoughtless if you assume abusers stop abusing the moment they walk through their own door. The wives and children of men like Cosby and Weinstein often bear the brunt of their behaviour. They are often in even more precarious positions than the rest of his victims though so they are less

The pool reporters were not allowed out of the transport vans at the stadium because this was a planned PR stunt and the logistics folks knew VP would be leaving ASAP

Annnnnd I’m sure all of this was planned. What a fucking idiot.

Let’s throw in that POS Bilzerian for good measure. Oh wait, he would probably run the other way. Along with Trump, OJ and Spencer.

yeh, the two are only a dozen years apart

Kindergarten Cop was released a decade or so before he became governor

The rumor on Blind Gossip alluded to the birthday scene in the last movie, and how it was included only to pettily emphasize the age difference between Cattrall and the other ladies. And that this was one of the reasons Cattral didn’t want to do the 3rd movie. Good on her. The series is utter garbage.

Get me out of here, send help

His opposition is hilarious when you consider that men’s inability to be empathic and sympathetic as well as the outright refusal to adjust to a modern workforce that is predominantly about care giving are exactly why their unemployed asses are getting left behind and women are taking over.

Oh, I get it. ‘Estrogen Hour’ cause crying and having empathy is for women. We should totally listen to men like Sabo. He knows the correct way for men to have feelings - gunning down hundreds of innocent people from the safety of a hotel room.

Choos to Lose: The E! True Hollywood Story of the SATC Movie That Wasn’t.

It was a nice joke and not unethical at all. I am saying this AS A JOURNALIST. If you listen to the podcast —- this is just bullshit. She’s a private citizen, she was joshing Ezra, and why can’t she take him to fucking Hamilton? If Obama made this joke, it would be endearing!

Pretty sure Clinton was joking. It’s impossible to tell tone from a transcript like that. (Also, Klein would be required by RS to disclose if she actually got him tickets, which she has not.)

HOW DARE YOU! Timothy Olyphant has only one acceptable twin, and that’s Barry Watson.