
Tornado by MSI set to FLCL

"Hey man I just created this Naruto video with breaking the habit"

Love how you're calling me privileged, I am a black bisexual born with a minor disability, the son of an immigrant single parent and have been homeless at two times in my life or living in low income housing…. I'm the furtherest from privilege than you could ever be but yeah keep throwing around that word…. It

Athletes eat in moderation and not when they're about to compete or fight. As for your privileged line, no it's common sense.


What something not helping their bottom line being ignored?

But she can moderate how much she eat especially so she doesn't get punched and lose her lunch.

That how offense works in this context, you choose to be offended or even if you say no. You have your reaction I have mine, Diana of Thymesrica is a thin woman, amazons train to maintain a level of fitness if you want to be like her you have to most likely diet like I'd have to in order to look like Bruce Wayne

Offense is taken never given

Well as the lasso is only bestowed upon Diana…. Yeah

Reverted for no other reason then

Her name was Lyra….they had her and could have used her.

*facepalms* God I just…..can't.

Firefly is bad in general imo


Actually some people who are assholes are ratgher insecure and want to protect themselves from critique so they'll be like 'NO I"M NOT YOURE AN ASSHOLE" but me, I accept it….So why cant paul accept he may not have made at least a good trailer and if his script is like this A BAD movie.

Yep….it doesn't bother me to be one or be called one….why should it?

I'm a black guy who is in a relationship with a transman and voted pro LGBTQ when I can….. But I find this movie to be rather dumb so far from advertising

I'm an ahole, but I didn't reboot a film of a cult classic film in a way that looks from the trailet to miss the unique atmosphere of the franchise
